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"Mebbe in that outfit of he-men you're expectin' to hit the trail for to-morrow they'll wrop you up in cotton an' not let a hundred-an'-thirty-pound giant jump you." "I ain't askin' it of 'em," Bandy retorted. "I can look out for myself an' then some. As for this sprout who thinks he's so gosh-mighty, I'll jus' say one thing. Some o' these days I'll settle with him proper." He turned as he spoke.

I've talked to fifty horny-handed he-men in the past month." "Then I don't see what you need of anyone to bring up the drag," Andy told her admiringly. "If you talk to 'em, there oughtn't be any drag!" "Thank you for the implied compliment. But there IS a 'drag, as you call it.

Hell's bells, Harry, no harm in being polite. There's some regular he-men that are just as polite as women, prett' near." Carol found herself going about rejoicing, "How neighborly the town is!" She drew up with a dismayed "Am I falling in love with this boy? That's ridiculous! I'm merely interested in him. I like to think of helping him to succeed."

Offering Heine tea was the one thing that shook his calmness. "You don't expect he-men like Heine to drink tea," protested Van Leshout. A sly grin on Heine's face which the artist quickly caught on paper. "Pa drinks it," from Ma, with that snapping of the jaw which in Ma expressed emphasis. Poor old Pa was the shining example of masculinity in her eyes. Like a sudden breath the hot winds came.

Folks don't run away from decent families and partners; just simply don't do it, that's all!" then Babbitt answered pleadingly, "Well, it wouldn't take any more nerve than for Paul to go to jail and Lord, how I'd' like to do it! Moccasins-six-gun-frontier town-gamblers sleep under the stars be a regular man, with he-men like Joe Paradise gosh!"

Because they are taking a little trip into the time when he-men wore braids, and carried axes big enough to crack a man open! And Hodaki and his partner.... Ever hear of the Tartars? Maybe you have not, but once they nearly overran most of Europe." Ross swallowed. He now knew where he had seen braids pictured on warriors the Vikings!

There was nothing to do but to swallow his words. That he did this in the most ungracious way possible was like him. "Since you're runnin' a Sunday School outfit I'll pack my roll an' move on to-morrow to where there's some he-men," he sneered. "I never met this girl, so I don't know a thing about her. All I did was to make a general remark about women. Which same I know to be true.

She looked for her companion's sympathy in her admiration, but the woods seemed to oppress him, and his panting sigh showed how real a thing was he-men. 'Oh! my poor sun! he broke out, 'I pity you for having to go down before your time into these black, stifling woods that rise up to smother you like giants and not into your own broad, cool Atlantic, laughing up your own sparkles of light.

Uncle Phil was fond of the sort of education that doesn't educate. I'm glad you fellows found me. I'll go home and collect every red cent, just to keep it out of the hands of the supercilious bunch of bishops that run that sissy-spawner." Knowlton chuckled appreciatively. "It's not the sort of school that breeds he-men, for a fact," he agreed.

"Maybe they can give me the latest news about high water down the river." Hawks had just come in from the remuda. He gave information. "I drifted over to their camp. An old friend, one of 'em. Gent by the name of Bandy Walker. He's found that outfit of he-men he was lookin' for." "Yes," said the cattleman non-committally. "One's a stranger. The other's another old friend of some o' the boys.