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White-clad servants strapped up their employers' bedding for in India the railway traveller must bring his own with him and collected the luggage, while the masters and mistresses crowded into the refreshment room for chota hazri, or early breakfast.

He has the private entrée at chhoti hazri, or early breakfast; he sees loose and flowing robes that are only for esoteric disciples; he has the private entrée at five o'clock tea and hears plans for the evening campaign openly discussed. He is quite behind the scenes. He hears the earliest whispers of engagements and flirtations.

"They're taking no chances, the devils," said the younger man, who was more upset by the occurrence than his companion. "Well, I'll have to do without my chota hazri; and I do like a cup of tea in the morning," said the soldier; and he began to shave. Glancing out of the window he continued: "They've got a fine day for the show anyway."

Springing out of bed, he shouted for chota hazri and shaving water; drank thirstily; ate hungrily; and had just cleared his face of lather when Lance came in, booted and spurred, bringing with him his magnetic atmosphere of vitality and vigour.

George rose early to go home; but early as it was Mrs. Mac was up too, and arrayed in a killing morning neglige that fairly made poor George stammer, gave him his chota hazri and stroked his horse's head as he mounted. About half-way home George suddenly shouted, "D d if I don't do it too!" and brought his hand down on his thigh with a smack that set his horse buck-jumping.

"Shut the door." Then he continued: "The one who came last night is in the next room and you must take her out through the bathroom door, for there is cover of the crotons and oleanders, and then to the road. Acquire a gharry and go with her to where she directs you." "Salaam, Sahib! your servant will obey. And as to the chota hazri, Sahib?"

The early morning repast, the chota hazri of an Anglo-Indian household, is a very light and frugal one, consisting of a cup of coffee or tea, a slice of toast, and one or two bananas. As she pulled up her pony in front of the bungalow a man came down the steps of the verandah and helped her to dismount. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Chunerbutty," she exclaimed, "and good morning."

Dawn had not yet come; and by the light of an oil lamp Raymond was eating a frugal breakfast of tea, toast and fruit, the chota hazri or light meal with which Europeans in the East begin the day. He was dressed in an old shooting-jacket, breeches and boots; and as he ate his eyes turned frequently to a bundle of steel-headed bamboo spears leaning against the wall near him.

General Murger was feeling distinctly bad as he sat on the edge of his bed and viewed with the eye of disfavour the choti hazri set forth for his delectation. "Little presence," early breakfast, petit déjeuner. As he intended to inspect the Volunteers in the early morning and return to a mid-day breakfast, the choti hazri was substantial, though served on a tray in his bedroom.

One morning, a week later, Noreen over-slept herself, and, when she came out of her room for her chota hazri, she found that her brother had already started off to ride over the garden. Ordering her pony she followed him. She guessed that he had gone first to the nursery, and when she reached the short cut through the forest she rejoiced at being able to enter it without the usual battle.