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Gregory Patton was Grass, and achieved one of the successful costumes of the line with a robe that rippled to the ground, green cambric its base, completely covered with grass blades. "That boy ought to have a companion dressed like a haycock," laughed Mr. Emerson as Gregory passed him. Margaret led the Autumn division, her dress copied from a chestnut tree and burr.

It looked like a haycock on legs with the handle of a pitchfork sticking out of it; it was steadily advancing through the gloom to where I stood, and arrived quite close to me before I could quite make out what it was. It proved to be my companion, with two turkeys tied together by the legs and slung over his shoulder across his rifle.

I wonder why people always want to oblige you when you don't want to be obliged; "too civil by half" is much more in the way than "not half civil enough." So we rode on with Squire Haycock, and took up a position at the end of the wood that commanded a view of the whole proceedings, and, as Frank whispered to me, was "the likeliest place in the world if we wanted to head the fox."

Flushed with my triumph, with heightened colour and flashing eyes, I stalked off towards my chamber and met Cousin John in the hall. "Good heavens, Kate, what is the matter? What has happened?" exclaimed John in obvious perturbation. "A piece of news!" was my reply; "a conquest, John! What do you think? Mr. Haycock has just been here, and proposed for me!"

Haycock; so I shall read Frank's note over once more and then go to bed. I need quote no more from my diary, as the next few days offered no incident worthy of recording to break the monotony of our life at Dangerfield Hall. Drearier than ever it was, and more especially to me; for I felt that, although undeclared, there was "war to the knife" between myself, my aunt, and cousin.

Some time afterwards it happened one morning that Bevis was sitting on a haycock in the Home Field, eating a very large piece of cake, and thinking how extremely greedy the young rook was yonder across the meadow. For he was as big and as black as his father and mother, who were with him; and yet he kept on cawing to them to stuff his beak with sweets.

A long rank of haymakers men and women proceeded with their rakes, the white shirt-sleeves, straw bonnets, and ruddy faces, radiant in the bath of sunshine, while in the shady end of the field were idler haymakers among the fragrant piles, Charles half lying on the grass, with his back against a tall haycock; Mrs.

You liked me before before that happened, and, when you've forgiven me, there's no reason why you shouldn't like me again." "There's every reason." "My name's Windebank Archibald Windebank. I'm in the service, and my home is Haycock Abbey, near Melkbridge "

"And now," said the little man, "to work! And you have plenty of work before you, so trip on, to the first haycock." "I shan't!" said Amelia. "On with you!" repeated the dwarf. "I won't!" said Amelia. But the little man, who was behind her, pinched her funny-bone with his lean fingers, and, as everybody knows, that is agony; so Amelia ran on, and tried to get away.

Our automobile had been left at the Haycock Hotel; we went to get it, braving the inundation. Nearly opposite the stable-yard the electric trams started for Hanbridge, Bursley and Turnhill, and for Longshaw. Here the crowd was less dangerous, but still very formidable to my eyes. Each tram as it came up was savagely assaulted, seized, crammed and possessed, with astounding rapidity.