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"There was once a Swede," said the paper, "that was running away from the minions of the law, and took refuge in a cabin where they covered him with a gunny sack. When the Hawkshaws came they asked for the Swede. No information forthcoming. 'What's in that bag? asked the minions. 'Sleighbells, replied the accomplices.

Smith arrived at eleven, somewhat after the fashion of the Hawkshaws of "yellow back" fame, who, if our memory serves us right, were so punctual that their appearance anywhere was described as being in the "nick o' time," only in this instance he was expected and did not "drop from the sky," as the saying goes. Mr.

Cloud and to the police station?" "No. Evidently she was frightened out of her boots by the Hawkshaws. I don't blame her, do you?" "And you've had no word from her?" "None. Now you are going to ask what reason I have for believing that she will come to Interlaken. Well, I can't answer that question. I think she'll come, that's all." "Do you think she is in love with you?"

"You think you 're a big gun, Blake," one of his underworld victims once had the temerity to cry out at him. "You think you 're the king of the Hawkshaws! But if you were on my side of the fence, you 'd last about as long as a snowball on a crownsheet!" It was not until the advent of Copeland, the new First Deputy, that Blake began to suspect his own position.