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"I hav'n't forgotten anything, cousin Seth," said Fleda, blushing indeed, but laughing and shaking his hand with as hearty good-will. "I don't believe you have anything that is good," said he. "Where have you been all this while?" "Oh, part of the time in New York, and part of the time in Paris, and some other places."

She nodded encouragingly. "Go on," she said. "Tell me!" "Cheddar cheese," he said parenthetically, with an appreciative sniff. "Hav'n't seen a bit o' that for a long time! Well, then, up comes Mr. Oscard as cool as a cowcumber, and Mr. Meredith he gives a sort of little laugh and says, 'Open that gate. Quite quiet, yer know. No high falutin' and potry and that.

"But what am I to do if I hav'n't the money?" John Ingerfield shrugs his shoulders. "You don't mean, my dear Jack, that you would put me in prison?" "Why not? Other people have to go there who can't pay their debts." Will Cathcart's alarm grows to serious proportions. "But our friendship," he cries, "our "

So lean on me, mother dear, and come out into God's open air, till I see your spirit come back and here's your bonnet, and we'll meet Mabel and Gilbert, and we'll all go up to the castle to give thanks to the lady. Widow. Oh, hav'n't I great reason to be thankful, if ever widow had! An Apartment in Bannote Castle. Footmen bringing in Baskets of Flowers. Miss O'HARA and Sir WILLIAM HAMDEN. Clara.

"I know that I can trust you, Peter," said O'Brien, "and it's a great pleasure to know that you have an officer you can trust but hav'n't I brought you up myself, and made a man of you, as I promised I would, when you were a little spalpeen, with a sniffling nose, and legs in the shape of two carrots? So hoist out the launch, and get the boats ready the sooner the better.

He shook his head sadly. "We that's to zay, they as wants un hav'n't heerd tell of un vor this three year three year coom Whitsuntide as ever was " And he wiped his eyes with his cuff. "If you will tell me all about him, and where he was last heard of, I will do all I can to find him." "Will ye, noo? will ye? The Lord bless ye for zaying that."

"Aye, among some of us old sailor chaps, he goes by that name. Ye hav'n't seen him yet, have ye?" "No, we hav'n't. He's sick they say, but is getting better, and will be all right again before long." "All right again before long!" laughed the stranger, with a solemnly derisive sort of laugh. "Look ye; when Captain Ahab is all right, then this left arm of mine will be all right; not before."

"Here's a good health and a long life to our gracious king and all the royal family. The roads are unkimmon dusty, and we hav'n't wet our lips since we left St. Thomas on the line, this morning. But we have no time to lose, captain," said the sea god; "I see many new faces here, as requires washing and shaving; and if we add bleeding and physic, they will be all the better for it."

"And what of that? hav'n't I buried her guns often, and yet kept every spar in her without crack or splinter?" "Ay, ay, sir, you have done it, and can do it again, where there is sea- room, which is all that a man wants for comfort in this life.

The student had hardly noticed the child before; but the sweetness of her voice pleased him, and he answered that she might stay if she could do any good to her sick friend. "I have been listening. I heard what you said about them all along here. In the morning you shall see if I hav'n't taken some care!"