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Shifting fashions of shape replaced aristocracy of texture: dressmakers, shoemakers, hatmakers, and tailors, increasing in cunning and in power, found means to make new clothes old. The long contagion of the "Derby" hat arrived: one season the crown of this hat would be a bucket; the next it would be a spoon.

He was always talking of concluding a magnificent deal with some hatmakers who were going to set him up in business. While waiting for this he did nothing but stroll around all day like one of the idle rich. If anyone dared to mention a hat factory looking for workers, he smiled and said he was not interested in breaking his back working for others.

Weavers of woollen. Curriers. Building Trades: Carpenters, wrights and joiners. Plasterers. Tilers. Ironmongers. Painters. Glaziers. Cooks and waterleaders. Vintners and taverners. Sauce-makers. Outfitting Trades: Tailors. Glovers. Hosiers. Hatmakers. Capmakers. Saddlers. Girdlers and nailers. Armour Trades: Armourers. Smiths. Cf. Household Trades: Coopers. Pewterers and founders. Potters.

All master-workmen in manufactures, especially such as belonged to ornament and the less necessary parts of the people's dress, clothes, and furniture for houses, such as riband-weavers and other weavers, gold and silver lace makers, and gold and silver wire drawers, sempstresses, milliners, shoemakers, hatmakers, and glovemakers; also upholsterers, joiners, cabinet-makers, looking-glass makers, and innumerable trades which depend upon such as these; I say, the master-workmen in such stopped their work, dismissed their journeymen and workmen, and all their dependents.

Nicholas the Blockhead" is so called because in this quarter dwelt the imperial hatmakers, who prepared "blockheads" for shaping their wares. "St. Nicholas Louse's Misery" is, probably, a corruption of two somewhat similar words meaning Muddy Hill. "St. Nicholas on Chickens' Legs" belonged to the poulterers, and was so named because it was raised from the ground on supports resembling stilts. "St.