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Dorward looked once more at the clock and rose slowly to his feet. "Well," he said, "I mustn't keep His Excellency waiting. Good-bye, and cheer up, Bellamy! Your old country isn't going to turn up her heels yet." Out he went long, lank, uncouth, with yellow-stained fingers and hatchet-shaped, gray face a strange figure but yet a power. Bellamy remained.

Sit tight and you will never regret it. My name, so far as you are concerned, is Joseph H. Parker. Tell me, you are facing the door, some one has just entered. Who is it?" "A stranger," I replied; "a stranger to this place, I am sure. He is tall and dark; he is a little lantern-jawed a hatchet-shaped face, I should call it." "My man, right enough," Mr. Joseph H. Parker muttered.

He was a tall fellow with a hatchet-shaped face and eyes set rather closely together. "Not at all, my son. What makes ye deem it?" The little man tilted back his bronzed top-hat and looked up nervously. "Because you went out in the middle of service." "'Tis but father's habit, William," old Mrs. Penberthy made haste to explain, laying a hand on his arm.

What furniture there was in the room was substantial and clean, as everything belonging to Mrs. Bunting was bound to be, but it was a bare, uncomfortable-looking place, and the landlady now felt sorry that she had done nothing to make it appear more attractive. To her surprise, however, her companion's dark, sensitive, hatchet-shaped face became irradiated with satisfaction. "Capital!

Doolittle," said a wiry, knocked-kneed farmer, with a hatchet-shaped face, who had sidled up to the group. "It warn't no longer than yesterday that I was sayin' the same words to the new minister, or rector as he tries to get us to call him, about false doctrine an' evil practice.

After this specimen of Norman's quality, no one will be surprised to learn that in figure he was one of those solidly built men of medium height who look as if they were made to sustain and to deliver shocks, to bear up easily under heavy burdens; or that his head thickly covered with fairish hair, was hatchet-shaped with the helve or face suggesting that while it could and would cleave any obstacle, it would wear a merry if somewhat sardonic smile the while.

From Mamillaria, however, it differs in the form of its tubercles, which are hatchet-shaped, and cleft at the apex, where each division is clothed with small, horny, overlapping scales, not unlike the back of a woodlouse hence the specific name. Cultivation.

From the Treasury Bench there stood a tall, slight, and rather delicate figure. The face, long, large-featured, hatchet-shaped, was surmounted with a mass of curling-hair; altogether, there was a suggestion of what Disraeli looks like in that picture of him as a youth which contrasts so strangely and sadly with the figure and the face we all knew in his later days. This was Lord Ribblesdale.

It need hardly be said that such a man had but few acquaintances; yet a few he had, and among them one who is worthy of especial note a wealthy citizen who aspired to a position of civic honour in Strassburg. In appearance he was lean, old, and ugly, with hatchet-shaped face and cunning, malevolent eyes; and when he pressed his hateful attentions on the fair Guta she turned from him in disgust.

Billah are war weapons; a larger kind called Moornin are used for spearing emu. Woggarahs, the hatchet-shaped weapons, were made of Myall, Gidya, and other woods, carved as were boomerangs, each carver usually having a favourite design by which his weapons were recognised.