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John the Baptist's Chapel there is a single stained window, with our Lord's Ascension, in memory of Lieut. F. N. Hassard, R.E. Passing to the north transept we find the outer upper windows filled only with plain glass, while the middle one has a figure of St. Gregory, inserted in memory of Captain W. Walton Robinson, R.E., who died at Aden in 1887.

A few weeks later Doc had assembled a strong gang about him, rendezvoused on the Piney, a tributary of the lower Niobrara. There he was far east of Lykins's bailiwick, but a good many degrees within Lykins's disposition to quit his trail. One morning Llewellyn and Hassard started up the creek, mounted, on a scout, leaving Lykins and his horse hidden in the brush near the trail.

If ever a man wants to marry me, I'll fly to him or away from him, as quick as the steel needle does when the magnet touches it." Miss Vance listened to her attentively. "Jean," she said, after a pause, "are you sure that it is Lucy whom the prince wishes to marry?" "It is not I," said Miss Hassard promptly. "He has thought of me several times he has weighed my qualifications.

Shanks, in whose family I was then living, routed me out of bed to say: "See here, Ted, you know Barnum's balloon starts tomorrow on her trial for the record, but what you don't know is that we are in a hole. Before the ticket came every one wanted to go, from John R. G. Hassard down to the office boy. Now no one will go all have funked it, and I suppose you will want to follow suit!"

"Have you come to stay now, my dear," she said, "or will Prince Wolfburgh " "Oh, that is an old story," interrupted Clara. "Lucy handed the little prince over to Jean Hassard, who married him after he had a long fight with her father about her dot. He won the dot, but Count Odo is now the head of the house. Jean, I hear, is in Munich fighting her way up among the Herrschaft."

"Your generation," said Jean, smiling slyly, "used to think that an unreasonable whim called love was a good thing in marriage " "But why should she not love the prince? He is honorable and kind, and quite passable as to looks Can there be any one else?" turning suddenly to Jean. Miss Hassard looked at her a moment, hesitating. "Your cousin George used to be Lucy's type of a hero "

The merry little girl was silent, having, she said, a headache. "You've had too much cathedral!" said Miss Hassard. "And the whole church is wretchedly out of drawing!" Jean Hassard had studied art at Pond City in Dakota, and her soul's hope had been to follow Marie Bashkirtseff's career in Paris. But her father had morally handcuffed her and put her into Clara's custody for a year. It was hard!

"I never understood before how actual a thing rank is here." "Cannot it be bought? I am going to look into that when this huge feed is over," Miss Hassard said to herself. Late in the evening she danced with Count Odo, and prattled to him in a childish, frank fashion which he found very charming. "Your rules of precedence are very disagreeable!" she pouted.

The pile of ammunition was fired by Lieutenant Gibbard, of the Horse Artillery, and Lieutenant Hassard, the adjutant of the 2nd European Light Infantry, with rifles and shell-bullets of Colonel Jacob's invention, from a distance of about 150 yards. Both were thrown down by the shock of the concussion.

Hassard stood idly, stunned apparently by a sort of white-hot work he was not used to, and received his death wound without any effort even to draw. Meantime, the firm of Lykins and Llewellyn accounted for two more before Doc's mates got out of range.