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After the row nothing more was said about the attic; but John would have preferred bare boards in Eaton Square to a tapestried chamber in Park Lane. Now, during the whole of this summer term there was much animated discussion in regard to the rival claims of lines or spots upon the white waistcoat worn by all self-respecting Harrovians at Lord's.

An election meeting in Jamaica Two family experiences at contested elections Novel South African methods Unattractive Kingston A driving tour through the island The Guardsman as orchid hunter Derelict country houses An attempt to reconstruct the past The Fourth-Form Room at Harrow Elizabethan Harrovians I meet many friends of my youth The "Sunday" books of the 'sixties "Black and White" Arrival of the French Fleet Its inner meaning International courtesies A delicate attention Absent alligators The mangrove swamp A preposterous suggestion The swamps do their work Fever A very gallant apprentice What he did.

Just a little peculiar. 'Oh, he is peculiar! Quite original. I wanted to tell you about him before we went down, but there wasn't time. Such a very old friend of ours. My dear husband and he were at school together Harrovians. The sweetest, the most affectionate character! Too good for this world, I'm afraid; he takes everything so seriously.

Nothing definite could be proved against the man. His sins had been of omission. Dismayed, not defeated, the Head Master considered other methods of regenerating the Manor. Very quietly he made his appeal to the Old Harrovians, many of whom were sending their sons and nephews to other houses. He invited co-operation. John Verney, the Rev.

A steady aim at the highest in education, being careful to secure the position of literary education from the encroachments of science and mathematics. Affectionate stimulus to all undergraduates who need it, especially Old Harrovians. The maintenance of the dignity and commanding position of Trinity and consequently of the University in the world at large."

"Not his," the hero replied. Two numbers followed, and then the School stood up, and with them all Old Harrovians, to sing the famous National Anthem of Harrow, "Forty Years on." Only the guests and the masters remained seated. "Forty years on, growing older and older, Shorter in wind, as in memory long, Feeble of foot and rheumatic of shoulder, What will it help you that once you were strong?

The Harrovians present, including my father, my brother Claud, myself, the late Lord Bradford, and my brother-in-law the late Lord Mount Edgcumbe, welcomed this indisputable proposition warmly nay, enthusiastically. The dispute engendered considerable heat on either side; the walls of that hall in the Quirinal rang with our angered protests, until the Italians present became quite alarmed.

As in dealing with the Universities, so also in dealing with the Public Schools, Arnold found it difficult to liberate himself from his early environment and prepossessions. He was the son of a Wykehamist, who had become the greatest of Head Masters; he himself was both a Wykehamist and a Rugbeian; he was the brother of three Rugbeians, and the father of three Harrovians.

Prophets must prophesy smooth things, or else were not prophets. How was there ever going to be any hope of improvement till the true state of affairs was understood? And then a sudden doubt came to Gordon. What if these old Harrovians were right? What if this man Lunn had depicted the life of the exceptional, not of the average boy? What then of Fernhurst?

Four sons had he Harrovians all. Of these Caesar was youngest and last. Each had distinguished himself on the Hill either in work or play, or in both. Charles Desmond stood upon the step just above the master who was calling Bill. "That's Caesar's father," said Scaife. "I'm going to lunch with him. Isn't he a topper?" John's eyes were popping out of his face.