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He was but a "Union soldier," and his death, they said, was a matter of congratulation rather than of regret. THE REASONS WHY REBEL AGENTS WERE SENT TO CANADA, AND THEIR DOINGS VARIOUS PLOTS OF MISCHIEF, HARRASSING, PILLAGING, &c.

West of the Catawba river, were bands of active Whigs, and parties of those who were defeated at Camden, were harrassing their enemies and defending on every available occasion, the suffering inhabitants of the upper country. Cornwallis, becoming apprised of this rebellious spirit of upper Carolina, detached Col.

I can discover that these people are by no means friendly to the Spaniard their complaint is, that the Spaniards will not let them have fire arms and amunition, that they put them off by telling them that if they suffer them to have guns they will kill each other, thus leaving them defenceless and an easy prey to their bloodthirsty neighbours to the East of them, who being in possession of fire arms hunt them up and murder them without rispect to sex or age and plunder them of their horses on all occasions. they told me that to avoid their enemies who were eternally harrassing them that they were obliged to remain in the interior of these mountains at least two thirds of the year where the suffered as we then saw great heardships for the want of food sometimes living for weeks without meat and only a little fish roots and berries. but this added Cameahwait, with his ferce eyes and lank jaws grown meager for the want of food, would not be the case if we had guns, we could then live in the country of buffaloe and eat as our enimies do and not be compelled to hide ourselves in these mountains and live on roots and berries as the bear do. we do not fear our enimies when placed on an equal footing with them.

We remained this day at the camp to give the horses a rest after their harrassing journey over the range. August 12. Proceeding about five miles over uneven open forest ground, with isolated blocks of rock, we camped by a chain of rocky waterholes. The trees growing here were casuarina, box, apple-gum, and ironbark. August 13. Sunday. Prayers as usual at eleven o'clock. August 14.

She would not have done this, but she could dream about it, and it made her distress all the more intense. As time went by and Eugene's ardor did not revive, this problem of her love became more harrassing and she began to wonder seriously what she could do to win him back to her.

Champlain remained there through the winter to prepare ground for agriculture but in the spring of 1609 he made war against the Iroquois, who had been constantly harrassing the military post since its establishment. He pursued them as far as Lake Champlain, to which he gave his name, having first left a light garrison at Quebec, and in the autumn returned to France.

A detachment of Republicans hurried to attack them; but the Loir, an affluent of the Loire, was narrow, and the musketry fire of the main body drove them away, until two or three hundred men had crossed. La Rochejaquelein went over and took the command, and on their advance the Republicans took to their heels. Rochejaquelein then recrossed, and drove off the cavalry that were harrassing the rear.

Two depots of provisions had been placed in the woods for the use of the detachment, but the fact that Boishebert had only about 120 Acadians and a few Indians in addition to a handful of regulars, entirely frustrated Drucour's design of harrassing the attacking English by a strong demonstration in their rear.

Albans raid, which among others, was one of the rebel modes of carrying the war into Africa and harrassing the northern border. This raid, which has become so famous in the history of this war, was first started by a Texan, named Bracey, belonging to one of the rebel Texan regiments. Albans, and was well acquainted, both with the city and country, in the immediate neighborhood.

Protection from the powerful and savage tribes of Indians within their borders, and who were harrassing them with the most terrible of wars and protection from their own negroes protection from their insurrections protection from their escape protection even to the trade by which they were brought into the country protection, shall I not blush to say, protection to the very bondage by which they were held.