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But if it is, as I think, Ferdinand's and Harietta Boleski's work, they would not be likely to know that John had desired that Denzil should marry you, Amaryllis, and so would have thought a short card with longings to see you would be a natural thing to write. Indeed you can be at rest. And now I will go and dress for dinner, and we will forget disturbing thoughts."

"Verisschenzko!" laughed Harietta, "why, I hardly know him; he don't amount to a row of pins! He's Stanislass' friend not mine." Then she smoothed back Hans' rather fierce, fair moustache from his lips and kissed him again her ruby ring flashing in a ray of sunlight. "Look! isn't this a lovely jewel, Hans! My old Stannie gave it to me only some days ago it is my new toy see "

He devoted himself entirely to Harietta, to her delight, and Verisschenzko and Amaryllis talked while John was left to Stanislass. But the very fact of Denzil's likeness to John made Amaryllis look at him, and she resented his attraction and the interest he aroused in her.

The days in prison for Harietta, before and after her trial, were days of frenzied terror, alternating with incredulity. She would not believe that she was to die. Stanislass and Ferdinand, and even Verisschenzko, would save her! She loathed the hard bed at St. Lazare, and the discomfort, and the ugliness, and the Sister of Charity! She spent hours tramping her cell like a wild beast in a cage.

Left alone, the young man gave himself a morphine piqure, and then sat down and held his head in his hands. He had heard, as he had told Harietta earlier in the afternoon, that his brother's wife was going to have a child, and he could find no way of proving legally that it could not be John's, so his venom had grown with his impotence.

"That is Harietta Boleski," Verisschenzko remarked, his mood changing, and that penetrating and yet inscrutable expression growing in his regard. "It is almost too far away to be certain, but I am sure that it is she. Am I right? Is that window in her room?" "Yes how wonderful of you to be able to recognise her at that distance!" "Of what is she thinking? if one can call her planning thoughts!

Harietta, when she desired to be, was always an inspiriting hostess, making things go. She intended to do her best to-night. The turn affairs had taken, England being at war, was quite too tiresome. It had spoilt all her country house visits and nullified much of the pleasure and profit she was intending to reap from her now secured position in this promised land.

A week after they had come up to Brook Street, the Boleskis arrived at the Mount Lennard House which they had taken in Grosvenor Square, armed with every kind of introduction, and Harietta immediately began to dazzle the world. Her dresses and jewels defied all rivalry; they were in a class alone, and she was frank and stupid and gracious and fitted in exactly with the spirit of the time.

A man could be in love with Harietta, he could never love her. A man could always love Amaryllis, so much that he would not be aware that half his joy was because he was in love with her also."

He reddened with annoyance to see the Russian had not gone; the flowers which he had brought were in a parcel in his hand. Harietta took them disdainfully without a word of thanks. What a nuisance the creature was after all! and Stanislass was and everything and anything was which kept her from being alone with Verisschenzko!