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Their homes and places of worship reek with dirt and filth; small-pox, ailments of the eyes, and other contagious diseases are prevalent. Harelip, in a great measure due to lack of proper nutrition, is a very common ailment. In leather and inlaid work the Tibetans show great skill, much of the decorative work on the handles of their swords and daggers being very artistic.

One morning while attending to my duties there appeared a woman about five feet tall, with one shoulder about four inches higher than the other, one hip dislocated, one eye crossed, a harelip, which made the teeth part in the middle, mouth and lips stained blood red with betel juice, clothes a rag or two. I screamed at her to run away, which she did instantly.

Dear knows I haven't a harelip or even a lisp. Why, Baron Tregar, my dear. He's been staying in St. Augustine, too. It almost seemed as if he had deliberately followed me there though of course that couldn't be. And the Prince too. And the Baron bought an aeroplane to amuse himself and annoy the Carrolls " Aunt Agatha flushed again, cleared her throat and looked away. Why Ronador was in St.

The most perfect forgiveness is that which is extended to him who is known to lie in everything. The man has to be taken, lies and all, as a man is taken with a squint, or a harelip, or a bad temper. He has an uphill game to fight, but when once well known, he does not fall into the difficulty of being believed. George Hotspur's lie was believed.

"It is the Indian country," said Henry, and yet he pitied him of the harelip. "I know," replied the man, "I know too that all the tribes are on the war path, and that they are exceedingly bitter against us. My name is Holdsworth, and I am from Connecticut. These are my men, Fowler and Perley, also from the East.

Susan saw the soda fountain. As if by inspiration, she said, "Some chocolate soda, please." "Ice cream?" asked the young man in a peculiar voice, like that of one who has a harelip. "Please," said Susan. And then she saw the sign, "Ice Cream, ten cents," and wished she hadn't.

Harwood might treat her, as she said, like a step-child with a harelip, but occasionally she made him sit up. He sat up now. He remarked with the diplomatic unconcern that it was best to employ with her: "Refused the offer, did you, Miss Farrell?" "I certainly did. As between a fat old sport like Ed Thatcher and a gentleman like Mr.

'Yes, father; of course it does. Only it will be nice to make her cry. I'll have the skin taken off between her toes, and tie them up till they grow together. Then her feet will be like other people's, and there will be no occasion for her to wear shoes. 'Do you mean to insinuate I've got toes, you unnatural wretch? cried the queen; and she moved angrily towards Harelip.

They are often associated with some form of defective audition harelip, ocular disturbance, club-feet, congenital hernia, etc. These supernumerary members vary from one to five in number and are sometimes hereditary. Reverdin describes a man having a supernumerary nipple on the right side of his chest, of whose five children three had preauricular appendages.

But as long as I am queen I will sleep in my shoes. It is my royal privilege. Harelip, go to bed. 'I'm going, said Harelip sleepily. 'So am I, said the king. 'Come along, then, said the queen; 'and mind you are good, or I'll 'Oh, no, no, no! screamed the king in the most supplicating of tones. Curdie heard only a muttered reply in the distance; and then the cave was quite still.