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You had hard-bake in it; marbles, kept in your purse when the money was all gone; your mother's purse, knitted so fondly and supplied with a little bit of gold, long since prodigal little son! scattered amongst the swine I mean amongst brandy-balls, open tarts, three-cornered puffs, and similar abominations.

Slop-sellers, brandy-ball and hard-bake vendors, purveyors of theatrical prints for youth, dealers in dingy furniture and bedding suggestive of anything but sleep, line the narrow walls and dark casements with their wares.

Had they not trustingly eschewed Banbury-cakes sidled by longingly the pastrycook's and piously withstood the temptation of hard-bake, in order that they might save up their pocket-money for this one grand occasion? and even after this, their hopes and their exertions to end in smoke? Would that it were even that; but it was decided that there should be neither fire nor smoke.

Slop-sellers, brandy-ball and hard-bake venders, purveyors of theatrical prints for youth, dealers in dingy furniture, and bedding suggestive of any thing but sleep, line the narrow walls and dark casements with their wares.

After the age of "alley tors and commoneys," of albert-rock and hard-bake, in which we both gambled frightfully, I could afford him no opportunities of gratifying this passion; but if he could get a little money "on" anything, there was nothing that pleased him better not that he cared for the money, but for the delight of winning it. The next moment he would give it away to a beggar.

'Nor any of the people? she asked, glancing at the listless crowd within. 'O are you quite sure and certain, Bob? At this difficult point of the conversation Bob gave in, and changed the subject to hard-bake: always his last resource when he found his little friend getting him into a political, social, or theological corner.

With a washerwoman, who exposes hard-bake for sale in her parlour-window, dwelling next door, and a Bow-street officer residing over the way, you may imagine that his society is a source of consolation to myself and to Mrs. Micawber. I am at present, my dear Copperfield, engaged in the sale of corn upon commission.

Pickwick, 'appear to be soldiers, sailors, Jews, chalk, shrimps, officers, and dockyard men. The commodities chiefly exposed for sale in the public streets are marine stores, hard-bake, apples, flat-fish, and oysters. The streets present a lively and animated appearance, occasioned chiefly by the conviviality of the military.

This fear became certainty soon, for Dickie came to her one day with a penny clasped in her fat hand, and said: "Dickie will put it into the house." Pennie hesitated, for she knew it was the price of real hard work. "Does Dickie really want to give it?" she asked. Dickie nodded, gazing up at the money-box with large solemn eyes. "You're sure you wouldn't rather buy hard-bake?" persisted Pennie.

Cook for about ten minutes. A residual product of this dish is a sort of hard-bake toffee, formed by the leakage of jam from the chupatties. Brabant's Horse left in the night. August 7. A bitterly cold, windy day. Marched for several hours over a yellow, undulating plain and camped, near nothing, about 12.30.