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C. feell in with a gang of Elk of which he killed 2. and not being able to obtain as much wood as would make a fire substituded the dung of the buffaloe and cooked a part of their meat on which they breakfasted and again pursueed their rout, which lay along an old indian road. this evening they passed a hansome valley watered by a large creek which extends itself with it's valley into the mountain to a considerable distance. the latter part of the evening their rout lay over a hilly and mountanous country covered with the sharp fragments of flint which cut and bruised their feet excessively; nor wer the prickly pear of the leveler part of the rout much less painfull; they have now become so abundant in the open uplands that it is impossible to avoid them and their thorns are so keen and stif that they pearce a double thickness of dressed deers skin with ease.

"Oh, I don't know; Helen 'Lizy's ma was a hansome girl; Sis here had ought to be satisfied if she wears a half as well." "Come again thoon to thing to Joy," lisped the baby; "Joy loveth you tho muth." Helen buried her face in the yellow curls, and when she turned away her eyes were wet. I stayed at the studio only long enough to beg Kitty to see that her charge rests.

Capt C. now joined us having just made an end of his medical distrabution. we gave a phiol of eyewater to the Broken Arm, and requested that he would wash the eyes of such as might apply for that purpose, and that when it was exhausted we would replenish the phiol. he was much pleased with this present. we now gave the Twisted hair one gun and a hundred balls and 2 lbs. of powder in part for his attention to our horses and promised the other gun and a similar quantity of powder and lead when we received the ballance of our horses. this gun we had purchased of the indians below for 2 Elkskins. this evening three other of our original stock of horses were produced, they were in fine order as well as those received yesterday. we have now six horses out only, as our old guide Toby and his son each took a horse of ours when they returned last fall. these horses are said to be on the opposite side of the river at no great distance from this place. we gave the young men who had delivered us the two horses this morning some ribbon, blue wampum and vermillion, one of them gave me a hansome pare of legings and the Broken Arm gave Capt.

"No, I wouldn't," she said, turning sharply to him. "I s'pose ye thort I wasn't no judge o' hansome men, cause I let you keep kumpny with me." There was nothing more from that quarter. But what is it they are talking about anyway? Why, simply this: In front of the meeting-house, as they came out from the service, Perez met Desire face to face.

"Give me paper and an envelope: I want to write a few lines," she said to the smiling shopwoman, who knew her to be one of their best customers. Having traced a few words entreating Errington to see her early next day should he happen to be out or engaged she hailed a hansome, and went as quickly as she could to his lodgings in the Temple.

Alas, my parrat's dead and he supplies the prattle: ith' spring and fall he will save me charge of phisick in purgeing Melancholy. Sir Fr. If you dare Accept a servant, Ladie, upon my Comends, I should present a kinsman t'ee Who sha'not want a fortune nor, I hope, A meritt to possesse your faire opinion. Sis. You doe not say he is hansome all this while, and that's a maine consideration.

As she passed through the parlor she glanced at the large mirror, which dimly reflected her dusky charms, and said with a smile: "Massa knows what's hansome. He's good judge ob we far sex." The remark was inaudible to the bride, who walked up and down the veranda, ever and anon glancing at the garden walks, to see if Gerald were in sight.

This height must have been a new thing, or he would scarcely impart it as a piece of news to his sister. And then he has no desire to leave London, as he is glad to be near C. My life upon it, C. is a daughter. Acting upon this conviction, I have transcribed all passages relating to C., at whatever distance of time they occur. Thus, in 1763, I find "C. has grone very hansome, and Mrs.

But Beatriz, she stan very straight in the middle, 'fore the door the big wigwam, and never look more hansome. She never take her eyes off the chief who taking her away, and no look discontent at all. Then the Indians see the brothers and yell and run to get the bows and arrows. Don Enrique and Don Roldan fire the pistols, but after all they have to run, for no can do it nothing.

Was in these wordes; suppose you hear him speak it; Now do you sit Lady, when I consider you, The perfect frame of what we can call hansome, With all your attributes of soule and body, Where no addition or detraction can By Cupids nicer Crittick find a fault, Or Mercury with your eternall flame; And then consider what a thing I am To this high Character of you, so low, So lost to noble merits, I despaire To love a Mistresse cannot love agen.