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At first I only snivelled, but surrendered myself after a few successful ventures, to a loud despairing roar. I could see the blurred image of Mrs. Handsomebody standing at the top of the stairs. I heard her sharp command to mount them instantly, and I began to grope my way up, hanging by the bannister.

Handsomebody to 5 Argyle Road. Therefore, about ten o'clock, after the most exhausting preparations, we set out, a singular party; Mrs. The way was long, and our arms ached with the weight of the hamper, when we stopped before the gate of Number 5 Argyle Road.

"Doubtless because your art was pure, my love," put in Lord Simon, with a sly smile. "I used to know this boy's father in those days," went on Lady Simon. "He was a lamb." "He was also my pupil in his youth," said Mrs. Handsomebody, and the two talked on in the happiest fashion, till we took our leave, the whole family following us to the door, and "Baby" returning Mrs.

Handsomebody ordered sardines for tea, and had the silver tea-pot brought out. She also dressed for the occasion, adding a jet bracelet, seldom seen, to her toilet. All went well, till, at bedtime, The Seraph could not be found. Becoming alarmed, Mrs. Handsomebody, at last, opened the door of the forbidden parlour, Angel and I peering from behind her, hoping, yet fearing, to discover the recreant.

"Well, you're not going to be deserted," said Angel, in his lordly way, "we'll just adopt you on our own. Mrs. Handsomebody won't let us have a dog, nor a guinea pig, nor rabbits, nor even a white rat, but, you bet, she's got to let us keep a grandfather, if we take him right home and say he's come for a visit, and, of course, father'll have to pay for his board. Let's do it, eh John?"

"But, oh I say, wouldn't Mrs. Handsomebody be waxy if she knew?" "An' wouldn't Mary Ellen be scared stiff if she knew?" "An' won't we have fun? Hurray!" We rolled in ecstasy on the much-enduring bed. We talked excitedly of the possibilities of such a wonderful and dangerous friendship. And as it turned out, none of our imaginings equalled what really happened. The afternoon passed quickly.

"There's cwumbs on your faces!" "Cwumbs on your own face, old sillybilly!" mocked Angel, "and what's more, they're sugar cwumbs!" As fate would have it, Mrs. Handsomebody decreed that I should not leave the house on Saturday morning, and she, having a spell of sciatica did not go to market, as usual; so there I was, unable to meet Harry on the cathedral steps, as I had promised.

Where are you sick?" "All o-ver." "Take your hand from your eyes. What made you sick?" "I f-fell." "Fell!" her tone was contemptuous. "Where did you fall?" "D-down." Mrs. Handsomebody became ironical. "How extraordinary! I have never heard of people falling up." "They can fall out," interrupted Angel. Mrs. Handsomebody rapped her ruler in his direction. "Silence!" she gobbled.

"Mort," said he, "I haven't kissed a little boy like that since you were just so high." Mr. Pegg laughed and shivered, and they went off quite amiably, arm in arm, Mrs. Pegg following, muttering to herself. Mrs. Handsomebody looked disparagingly at the treasure. "Mary Ellen," she ordered, "help the children to gather up that rubbish, and come in at once. Such an hour it is!"

I tore the bottle from The Seraph's clinging lips, and stuffed it, corkless, into my pocket. Mrs. Handsomebody sat down and disposed her skirt about her knees. Her eyes travelled over us. "Alexander," she said to The Seraph, "stand up." He meekly rose. "What is that on your chin?" The Seraph explored his chin with his tongue. "It tastes sweet," he said. "I asked what is it?"