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I read to Kitty what you wrote me about the Garretts and their children, and the going to New York and then to Paris. Neither does she like me to handle her affairs with gloves on, so to speak. So I plunged into the business in a matter-of-fact tone, and she replied in the same. Her objection is to going east to New York, and then to the other side.

It proved to be a rhubarb leaf, with a red stalk. "There!" he cried, "I went over home on purpose to get this for you." "Oh it's a big green sunshade, with a fine red handle," cried Polly, "how pretty! Now I can tell the story." "Yes, and you can tell it all before your sunshade WILTS!" said Lena, with a laugh. "That's a fine sunshade," said Rob, as he handed her the leaf.

"Well," said Gordon, "when I break loose, as I do now and then, I quite often say a little more than is strictly advisable without meaning to. It's a habit some folks have. Your observation, however, switches us off on to a different matter. I've been telling your nephew we leave him to handle the thing and stand by our offers." "That is precisely what I mean to do. The affair is Derrick's.

"It is a deadly poison, for grown folks or children as well as bugs, and you must never touch it, or handle it, unless I am with you, or your father is near," said Uncle Pennywait. "Here is some of it." He showed the children a bright, green powder, some of which he stirred into a sprinkling pot full of water. This water he sprayed over the potato vines.

His position was really as little practical as that of the men who opposed the Academy plan in general as unpractical; as little practical as it would be to maintain that it is essential that every naval officer to-day should be skilled to handle a ship under sail, because the habit of the sailing-ship educated, brought out, faculties and habits of the first value to the military man.

They walked swiftly down the line of carriages, glancing in at the windows, until the guard, John Palmer, overtook them. "Now then, sir, look sharp, the train is going," said he. "First-class," the man answered. The guard turned the handle of the nearest door. In the carriage which he had opened, there sat a small man with a cigar in his mouth.

He looked a long time, thinking that perhaps they had gotten loose from the prongs and would come down afterwards, but never a handle came. They must be having haying time, the folks in the sky, to use so many forks, he decided, and the sun must be shining for them, way up above the clouds, or they wouldn't have haying weather.

The chief, not only assenting, but entering with alacrity into the project, the whole party went to work to collect the material, of which there was plenty, but as the blocks were nearly all large ones that lay round them, they had to bring them from the mass of ruins by the river, which was of smaller material, and which they could handle to better advantage.

Another hunter made a picture of two deer that he had killed, and two live deer. Still another man made a handle for a knife. He carved it from bone. It was like a deer springing. The antlers were laid back on the neck, and the front legs were turned under the body; the hind legs lay along the handle. "Good!" said the other men as they looked at it.

If she ever does lose her head she'll skid for the ditch, and we can kiss ourselves good-by. She'll be as easy to steer as a wild boar by the tail. I guess you're sorry now that you didn't listen to me and let Max handle her before she got wise." "I wouldn't feel safe with any of that crowd. I'd be terribly afraid." Mrs. Knight shook her head dubiously. "Say! She's got you doing it, too.