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She felt that even if she had known what to say she would probably lack the courage to say it that final-test courage which only the trained in self- reliance have. The door opened. A station attendant came in out of the frosty night and shouted: "Chicago Express! Express for Buffalo! Chicago! Minneapolis! St. Paul! the Northwest! the Far West! All a BOARD!" Craig seized the handbags.

Many prisoners make articles of coloured beads handbags, purses, necklaces, bracelets, etc. which show considerable artistic taste. We bought one of these beautiful pieces of work as a specimen. The articles sell readily in the curiosity shops at Cairo. One section of 1,200 prisoners netted from the sales a sum of 2,500 francs in a fortnight. Correspondence.

He brought their handbags into the customs-room at the station where they landed; and there took a last leave and a last fee with unexpected cordiality. Again their companionship suffered eclipse in the distraction which the customs inspectors of all countries bring to travellers; and again they were united during the long delay in the waiting-room, which was also the restaurant.

Then we take our seats, and the train steams out of the station, leaving the crowd on the platform to scatter. After a long run, with no stops, we reach Dover and go on board a steamer which seems quite large enough to anyone who is not used to steamers. Our heavy luggage has been sent on board the big ship which will meet us at Marseilles, so we have only our handbags to carry.

The household below stairs was inclined to tears; old Jonas sniffled and shuffled about, shrunken hands hanging helpless, mild eyes following his young mistress as she moved decisively from room to room, gathering up or indicating to servants what she required for her journey. Shawls, handbags, umbrellas, cloaks, and trunk were packed and strapped and carried off below.

The girls flung open the door. The school bus had just stopped before the wide veranda. Girls were fairly "boiling out of it," as Laura declared. Short, tall, thin, stout girls and girls of all ages between ten and seventeen tramped merrily up the steps with their handbags. Such a hullabaloo of greeting as there was! "Come on, Cora," said Linda, haughtily. "Let us go up to our room.

Emerson did not need to lay his plan before them in any further detail. "I see you're 'game, as Roger would say, for anything, so we'll go that way if Mother agrees." Mrs. Emerson did agree and even went so far as to say that she had wanted to do that very thing for a long time. "It's lucky Grandfather insisted that we shouldn't bring anything but small handbags," said Ethel Brown.

But, after a while, I cease to listen. I am thinking first of what awaits us on the further shore, on which the lights are coming out, and of those interesting passes inviting us to G.H.Q. as "Government Guests," which lie safe in our handbags. And then, my thoughts slip back to a conversation of the day before, with Dr. Addison, the new Minister of Munitions.

Apparently Ronald did not bring an umbrella with him, though it's cost me some trouble to establish that fact. It is astonishing how unobservant people are about such things as umbrellas, sticks, and handbags. Most people remember faces and clothes with some accuracy, but cannot recall whether a person carried an umbrella or walking-stick.

All the while she was keeping a sharp lookout for the police along the road. At the same time she found out that the girls were carrying all their money in their handbags. At first, she had intended staying with them until she got to Chicago, as that was her destination, but the losing of the trunk made them go to Indianapolis, where the automobile races had drawn great crowds from everywhere.