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"You remember," she cried, breathlessly, "you said that a jequirity bean was sent to Captain Shirley?" "Yes," encouraged Kennedy. "Well, after you left, I was thinking about it. That Kalia Dass used to wear a necklace of them, but she didn't have it on to-day. I began thinking about it. While she was talking to the swami I went over. I've noticed how careful she always is of her hand-bag.

"It belongs to my father, so, if you do not mind, Mr. Farrel, I shall retain it and deliver it to my father." Quite deliberately, she folded the check and thrust it into her hand-bag. There was a bright spot of color in each cheek as she faced him, awaiting his explanation. He favored her with a Latin shrug. "Your father will not accept the check, Miss Parker.

Sticking the pins through her straw hat, dyed black, she took from the bottom drawer of the cupboard a patent-leather hand-bag with colourful worsted fruit embroidered upon its shining sides. She thought of the night Grit had brought it home to her, his pride he had bought it at a store.

And yet he longed to go to Sydney with all his heart. He would be almost broken-hearted if he were robbed of that delight. In this frame of mind he packed all his envelopes carefully into a large hand-bag, and started in a cab for Sir John Joram's chambers. 'Where are you going with them now? Curlydown asked, somewhat disdainfully, just as Bagwax was starting.

Gertie presented a very unusual appearance this evening. Certainly she had laid out the two-pound-ten to advantage. She was in a perfectly decent dark dress with a red stripe in it; she had a large hat and some species of boa round her neck; she even carried a cheap umbrella with a sham silver band and a small hand-bag with one pocket-handkerchief inside it.

I will see that Miss Grayle is properly sheltered and cared for to-night by a lady whose kindness will make her forget what she has suffered. As soon as possible we shall be married by special licence. Go to your room, dearest, and put together a few things for to-night and to-morrow morning just what will fit into a hand-bag. If there's anything else you value, it can be sent for later.

"A receipt which I've got here," answered the Princess, tapping her hand-bag. "And it's all in his handwriting, and made out in the form of an inventory all that was at his suggestion." "And how," asked the official, "were the jewels packed when given to him?" "Very simply," said the Princess. "That was his suggestion, too.

Binswanger applied an anxious eye to the port-hole, straining tiptoe for a wider glimpse of deck. "I tell you this much, papa, in another five minutes when that child don't come, right away off the boat I get and go home where I belong." In the act of browsing among the lower contents of his wicker hand-bag Mr. Binswanger raised a perspiring face.

An hour she stood there, a solitary figure at the rail, holding to her large black hat, her skirts whipped to her body and snapping forward in the breeze. The sun struck off points from the water, animating it with a jewel-dance. It found out in a flash the diamond-and-sapphire top to her gold-mesh hand-bag, hoppity-skippiting from facet to facet. "My boy my little boy!"

She packed a small hand-bag, and then opened her purse to see if she had money enough to carry out a vague plan of going somewhere to spend the night, "to get away from people." It was noon when she went down- stairs; in the hall she called to Miss White that she was going out. "But it's just dinner-time, my lamb," Miss White called back from the dining-room; "and I must talk to you about "