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Failing this, he spluttered into rapid-fire speech. "Ah'm not a conch!" he rasped, his voice sounding as rusty as an unused hinge. "Ah'm a Caesar, yo' dirty Yank! Tuhn me loose, yo'! Ah ain't hurt nuthin'." "How did you get in here?" bellowed Milo, advancing threateningly on the youth, and swinging aloft one of his hamlike fists. The intruder stiffened into silence and stolid rigidity.

In the short while since Alfie's arrival and the week since Roger's disappearance there hadn't been time to forget their old unit-mate and get accustomed to a new personality. Astro sensed Tom's feelings and irritably banged one hamlike fist into the other. Alfie was O.K., thought the big Venusian, but by the craters of Luna, he wasn't Roger. "Attention attention!" The intercom crackled into life.

Hardman could be seen gesticulating, stamping as if in rage; and then he went into the hotel, leaving Matthews standing alone. Other men, in the background disappeared. The sheriff stood a moment irresolute, sagging, with his pale hamlike face gleaming. Then he wheeled to enter the hotel. He had damned himself. He had refused the even break, the man-to-man, the unwritten edict of westerners.

Yetsko put out a hamlike hand to stop them. "If the kid wants to be sick, let him be sick," he said. "He's got a right to. I was sicker'n that, after my first fight. But he won't do that the next time." "There isn't going to be any next time!" Claire declared, with maternal protectiveness. "That's what you think, Miss Claire," Yetsko told her.

The big cadet nodded and started to rise from their place of concealment. Tom pulled him down. "Wait," he whispered sharply. "No use barging in on them yet. Maybe we can find out where Roger is first." Astro reluctantly crouched down again, his hamlike hands balled into fists. The two cadets watched Quent Miles and Brett work on the instruments awhile longer.

"As long as I can use these" Astro balled his hamlike hands into fists "we're O.K." When they reached the trap door, Tom got down on his knees and felt around for the opening. He found a small ring bolt, motioned to Astro to step back, and pulled. The trap door swung back easily and a shaft of white light gleamed in his face. The young cadet leaned down and looked through the opening.

At the moment, Nails Andersen was present, black cigar clamped firmly between his teeth; hamlike Norwegian hands maneuvering a pencil, he was making illegible notes on a scrap of paper illegible to others because they were in his own form of shorthand that he had worked out over the years as he tried to make penciled notes as fast as his racing mind worked out their details.

The guide flourished a hamlike hand, holding back the canvas flap. "Just step in and you'll find her," he said, again chuckling. Ruth was one not easily alarmed. But the fellow seemed impudent. She gave him a reproving look and marched into what appeared to be an office, for there was a desk and a chair in view.

"Picking on Roger in front of Professor Sykes? He as good as told the professor to give Roger a hard time!" As the big Venusian slammed one hamlike fist into the other, Tom nudged him in the ribs and then turned to Roger with a smile. "Don't worry about it, Roger," said Tom. "We've got a job to do.

Once inside, the major found it difficult to keep from bursting into laughter. The large ground-floor room was a frenzy of brawling, yelling, shouting Nationalist guards trying to capture the giant cadet. Astro was standing in the middle of the floor, swinging his great hamlike fists methodically, mowing down the guards like tenpins.