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El hombre o la mujer que haga depender su suerte o sus medios de vida de la política tiene que convencerse de que la política no para comer pero si para tener hambre. Es perfectamente compatible la política con las ocupaciones y tareas domésticas de la mujer, sea ella madre esposa o hija.

Here they had been killed by the savages, in whose possession a variety of European weapons were seen. Cavendish gave the name of Port Famine to the place, and the Spaniards also call it in their charts Puerto de Hambre.

Reembarking therefore on board his vessel, Pizarro bade adieu to the scene of so much suffering, which he branded with the appropriate name of Puerto de la Hambre, the Port of Famine, and again opened his sails to a favorable breeze that bore him onwards towards the south.

By a signal previously concerted of notching the trees, he was able to identify the spots visited by Pizarro, Puerto de Pinas, Puerto de la Hambre, Pueblo Quemado touching successively at every point of the coast explored by his countrymen, though in a much shorter time.

It is, however, by similar mutations of letters, that the Spaniards have made hijo of filius; hambre, of fames; and Felipo de Urre, and even Utre, of the Conquistador Philip von Huten; that the Tamanacs in America have substituted choraro for soldado; and the Jews in China, Ialemeiohang for Jeremiah.