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The laugh was with the hamari again; after which he continued: "So, having done with explanation, now to satisfy you." From the breast of his gown, he brought forth a piece of bronze considerably less than the plate on the gate, but in every other respect its counterpart. "See you this?" he said, holding the bronze up to view.

It is nothing to be a Greek now!" and they hung their heads, refusing to be comforted. The Gypsies came in first; and amidst the profoundest silence, they dropped their oars with a triumphant crash on the marble revetment. The hamari wiped the sweat from his face, and put on his jacket and sandals; pausing then to toss his purse to the foreman, and say: "Take it in welcome, my friends.

He saw the opportunity of speaking about the brass plate on the post, and while debating whether to avail himself of it, the hamari caught sight of the party at the edge of the portico, stopped, surveyed them, then prostrated himself in the abjectest Eastern manner.

The Princess, for the time conquering her pain of heart, interceded for the brute; whereupon the hamari, like a philosopher used to making the best of surprises, joined in the sport until Joqard grew tired, and voluntarily returned to control. Word passed from the garden to the knots of people on the height: "Come down quickly. They are making ready for the boat race."

The hamari was a master of amplification, and his anecdotes never failed their purpose.

And he was serious because he could not answer. Taking the leading strap, when Joqard was brought, the hamari scrupled not to give the brute a hearty cuff, whereat the fishermen shook the sails of the pavilion with laughter; then, standing Joqard up, he placed one of the huge paws on his arm, and, with the mincing step of a lady's page, they disappeared.

It was discovered, thanks to the same breeze, that the black banderole of the Gypsies was the last of the seven. Then even those who had been most impressed by the bravado of the hamari, surrendered themselves to laughter and sarcasm. "See the infidels!" "They had better be at home taking care of their kettles and goats!" "Turn the seven twins into a cathedral, will they?

"Prince Mahommed son of the terrible Amurath?" exclaimed Sergius. "How did you know him?" "By the brass plate. When he went to his boat, he stopped and nailed the plate to the pillar. I went to look at it, and not understanding the inscription, sent to town for a Turk who enlightened me." "Then the hamari was not gasconading?" "What did he say?" "He confirmed your Turk."

It was a jemindar of the 129th who spoke. "Yes, a German sahib called to me in Hindustani, 'Ham dost hein Hamari pas ao Ham tum Ko Nahn Marenge." Which being translated is, "We are friends, come to us, we won't kill you." "And you, Mula Sing, what think you of this war?" The Woordie-Major replied: "Sahib, never was there a war like this war, since the world began.

The evil minded used to beat us with cudgels and stones I mean among the Turk but coming to a town now, I tie this to Joqard's collar, and we have welcome. We eat and drink, and are given good quarters, and sped from morning to morning without charge." "There is some magic in the plate, then?" "No," said the hamari, "unless there is magic in the love of a people for the Prince to be their ruler.