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It is pierced by a chancel arch without mouldings, and has on its W. face several niches. There is a small but old screen, and a Norm. font. Paulton, a populous mining and manufacturing village, 1-1/2 m. S.E. from Hallatrow Station. The church is an uninteresting bit of early Victorian re-building with an 18th cent. tower, a woefully poor imitation of Perp. work. Pawlett, a parish 4 m.

The church is a solitary building standing back from the roadside. It has a good Perp. W. tower, but a very uncouth-looking nave and chancel. Camerton, a flourishing colliery village lying in a deep valley about 2 m. N.N.E. of Radstock. It has a terminal station on a small branch line running up from Hallatrow.

Littleton, High, a large village 10 m. Litton, a village in a dale, 4 m. S.W. from Hallatrow Station. The church is late 15th cent. Perp. of rather poor workmanship. The chancel is out of centre with the nave, necessitating a large hagioscope on N. An ungainly modern N. aisle needlessly emphasises this lop-sidedness. The chancel contains a good piscina.

Ston Easton, a small wayside village, 2-1/2 m. S. of Hallatrow station. The church is an unpretentious little Perp. building, with a rather fine Norm. chancel arch, and has been well restored. Ston Easton House stands in a well-wooded park, and possesses an old carved oak ceiling and an ancient staircase. Stowell, a very small parish 1 m.

Round the collective huts which formed the village ran a palisade of piles, the enclosure being irregular in shape. They are supposed to have been Celts by race; and the period to which they are assigned falls between 300 B.C. and 100 A.D. The church has an embattled tower with pyramidal top. Hallatrow, a hamlet in the parish of High Littleton, 11 m.