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You see it yourself, do you not, Mr. Ware?" "Yes," replied Giles, "and I often wondered at it. Now, however, that I know you are half-sisters, I wonder no longer." Princess Karacsay nodded her approval, and Olga continued. "When I learned that Anne's name was Denham I rather drew back from her.

Margaret was not so pretty as Blanche, but had a more sensible face, and her welcome to Ursula was civil but reserved. Rosalind and Adela were bright little things, in quite a different style from their half-sisters, much lighter in complexion and promising to be handsomer women.

Now it proves in the sequel that Priscilla and Zenobia are half-sisters, but it would be as difficult to imagine this from anything that is said in the story about them, as it is to understand how the shy, undemonstrative Priscilla could have reminded Coverdale of the brilliant and aggressive leader of the Transcendentalists.

"My own sister's," she insisted, with an emphasis which seemed to imply that she had a whole family of half-sisters. "Though we now earn our bread as singers, we have seen better days; and in these hard times Croesus to-day may be Irus to-morrow. As for us, Karnis did not dissipate his money in riotous living.

They had their charm yet, if the heightened color observable on many a cheek there was a true index to the quickening heart below. "How are you connected with the deceased Mrs. Jeffrey?" "I am the child of her mother by a former husband. We were half-sisters." No bitterness in this statement, only an infinite sadness. The coroner continued to question her.

I only know her as the sister of the girl that the Ivinghoes picked up." "She is the owner of a little property at Arnscombe, and has taken home her four young half-sisters to live with her, after having slaved for them as a governess till she came into this inheritance. She is an excellent person." "Ah! Was her house at Filsted?" "I am not sure. Yes, I think the young ones were at school there.

There have been so many points of resemblance in our circumstances, and I think I may say in our characters. We had each two elder sisters mine were but half-sisters, though who were not so kind to us as they might have been. 'But have been sorry for it since, put in the other lady.

He had Pitt Crawley for one of his auditors Pitt, who had come with his two half-sisters to church, which the old Baronet could now by no means be brought to frequent. Since the departure of Becky Sharp, that old wretch had given himself up entirely to his bad courses, to the great scandal of the county and the mute horror of his son.

The really rustic names of both plants and animals are very few with us, the different species are many; and as we come to know them better and love them more, we absolutely require some way to distinguish them from their half-sisters and second-cousins. It is hopeless to try to create new popular epithets, or even to revive those which are thoroughly obsolete.