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Horncastle suddenly. "Go to your room and lock the door, and I'll come to you later. Stop! Would Mr. Barker be likely to disturb you if I told him you would like to be alone?" "No, he never does. I often tell him that." Mrs. Horncastle smiled faintly. "Come, quick, then," she said, "for he may come HERE first." Opening the door she passed into the half-dark and empty hall. "Now run!"

"Well, now, the young lady is busy with a guest. They haven't waked up yet." "Well, Tamara then." The maid looked at him mistrustfully. "Miss Tamara I don't know... I think she's busy too. But what you want to pay a visit, or what?" "Ah, isn't it all the same! A visit, let's say." "I don't know. I'll go and look. Wait a while." She went away, leaving Lichonin in the half-dark drawing room.

So strange an aspect had all these quiet hill-lines and larch and fir-tree tops in the half-dark stillness, that the boy's terrors were overlaid and almost subdued by his wonderment; he had never before been out in the night, and he must have feared to cry in it, for his sobs were not loud.

Blood!" said a tragic voice from a dark corner by the stove. Barely visible in the ruddy half-dark of the room a pair of demoniac eyes met hers. Mrs. Brenner threw her shrivelled and wizened mother-in-law an angry and contemptuous glance. "Be still!" she commanded. "'Pears to me that's all you ever say blood!" The glittering eyes fell away from hers in a sullen obedience.

Here the ice mass was so immensely high that not the slightest peep of daylight penetrated through it into the excavated archway that led into the ice. It was half-dark inside, and the only light proceeded from a row of little candles stuck into the crevices of the rock. The ice was jet black in colour, the light gleaming with a golden sheen from all the rounded projections and jagged points.

He did what he could to avoid annoying Paul. He kept out of everybody's way when he wanted to pray. He used to wait at night till the others were asleep, for they all slept in one great room together, and then slip out of bed and on to his knees. Sometimes his cousins, thinking it a great joke, would pretend to stumble over him in the half-dark, and kick him as hard as they could.

A half-bright, half-dark globe lay below-the planet Varenga IV, on which the precinct police station for this part of the galaxy had its location. Patrolman Willis, frowning with care, established the squad ship's direction, while Sergeant Madden observed without seeming to do so. Presently Patrolman Willis pushed a button. The squad ship went into overdrive.

Later, very much later, I heard my little brother's voice saying evening prayers I would not pray and then I heard nothing more, nothing; and I lay there, upstairs, lonely and forlorn.... I walked all alone in the forest, through the brushwood. 'Twas half-dark below; but, above the bushes, the sun was playing as through a green curtain. I went on and on.

On reaching the half-dark passage, Richard said to Moncharmin, in a low voice: "I am sure that nobody has touched me ... You had now better keep at some distance from me and watch me till I come to door of the office: it is better not to arouse suspicion and we can see anything that happens." But Moncharmin replied. "No, Richard, no! You walk ahead and I'll walk immediately behind you!

She had forgotten to ask her christened name, but she could make a guess at it could fit her with one to her liking. Margaret Mary? No, not exactly. Try Bertha.... Yes Bertha might do.... But she could think about her so much better in the half-dark. She rose and blew the candles out, then went back to her chair and the line of thought that had pleased her.