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"Half-brother, Bev." "And for his sake, would sacrifice her fortune, ah! and herself!" "Well?" "Well, Dick, Chichester knows this, and is laying his plans accordingly." "How?" "He's teaching Barrymaine to drink, for one thing " "He didn't need much teaching, Bev." "Then, he has got him in his power, somehow or other, anyhow, Barrymaine fears him, I know.

Among the last Sosius was a distinguished example: for though he had often fought against Caesar and now fled and hid himself, but was subsequently discovered, his life was nevertheless preserved. Likewise one Marcus Scaurus, a half-brother of Sextus on the mother's side, had been condemned to death, but was later released for the sake of his mother Mucia.

He's an officer, I'd have you know. It's true, he doesn't look like much there, but that's because he's not in uniform. It makes such a difference." "Is the lady anything like her brother?" asked the detective indifferently, bending to examine the wiring. "Oh, dear, no, not a bit; they're as different as day and night. He's only her half-brother anyway.

While Mozwa was thus engaged with the leader of the expedition, their guide Bartong was wandering among the wigwams and making himself agreeable to the natives, who, because of his mixed blood and linguistic powers, regarded him as a half-brother. "Who is this man Nazinred that our leader is always talking about?" he asked of the old chief while seated in his tent.

If I had been her secretary, steward, half-brother, poor relation, if I had been a younger brother of her appointed husband, I could not have seemed to myself further from my hopes when I was nearest to her.

The Count of Montfort, half-brother of the last duke, and Charles of Blois, were the rivals; and each prosecuted his claim with vigor. The army of Charles laid siege to Nantz, in which Montfort happened to be, and from which he found it impossible to escape. Here was a dilemma.

When the keys were brought to Charles he remembered that he was not yet duke and ordered them presented to his father in his stead, and to his half-brother Anthony was entrusted the task of formally accepting the surrender. It was late in the evening when the Bastard of Burgundy marched in.

A ship had sailed into London laden with Virginia goods, and an Indian princess, the wife of an Englishman, had been received at court, and had for a season furnished wonder and amusement to the fashionable world. From Doyle's "English Colonies in America." By permission of the publishers, Henry Holt & Co. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, a half-brother of Raleigh, is here referred to.

The notary had been long known to, and sometimes politically employed by, Montreuil, for he was half-brother to that Oswald, whom I have before mentioned as the early comrade of the priest and Desmarais. This circumstance, it is probable, first induced Montreuil to contemplate the plan of a substituted will.

It was in the woods of Canada, and three years after the event had occurred, that he saw the death of his half-brother chronicled in the Gentleman's Magazine, under the title of 'Fatal Accident to Lord Viscount Castle Lyndon; on which he determined to return to England: where, though he made himself known, it was with very great difficulty indeed that he satisfied Lord Tiptoff of the authenticity of his claim.