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A short time was permitted for mental devotion; during which Peveril could hear her half-breathed petition for the promised blessings of peace on earth, and good-will towards the children of men. The prayer which ensued was in a different tone.

Having forced him to look at his action through her eyes, she outdid him in humility, and then the conversation drifted off into half-breathed nothings, which, though they were satisfactory enough for these two, would have made a third person yawn. The occurrence at Slocum's Yard was hotly discussed that night at the Stillwater hotel.

The aged made the sign of the cross, and mumbled over a short prayer for the repose of his soul, while the more youthful indulged in half-breathed ejaculations of pity and concern that so fine and interesting a man should be doomed to so dreadful a fate.

With wonder he turned toward the two big boys, and saw, to his amazement, an answering smile upon their faces; reluctant, 'tis true, half sheepish at first, but a smile with lifted eyebrows of astonishment and real enjoyment of the joke. A little ripple of approval went round in half-breathed syllables, but Margaret gave no time for any restlessness to start.

'And you could deny your own heart and mine? You could let me go away alone, and live alone yourself, with an empty heartache? Her answer came, like an echo of a former tone, just the same half-breathed token of assent. There was a quiet resolution in it, for all it was so softly spoken, which bound him to silence for a time.

"I can't stand this," he muttered, "that's as sure as God made little apples." His own half-breathed utterance of this expression startled the man. The simile he had used was a repetition of what he had just heard in a conversation between men at an adjoining table in the restaurant. He had often heard the expression before, but had certainly never utilized it personally.

Then, as if afraid lest the very winds should have heard her half-breathed exclamation, she shut her window in haste, and a hot blush crimsoned her cheeks.

The child regarded him in wondering awe, speaking in a half-breathed whisper: "Did he did he shoot at you?" Her father nodded, with his hand on her tumbled hair. "Yes, honey, I'm afraid he did; but I'm so used to it now I don't mind it any more. Get me a drink of water, will you?"

"Children clinging to your knees might stop you, but I suppose you would have a police force to tear the children away rather than miss the masculine privilege of murder." "Miss Galland, you are overwrought. She interrupted him with half-breathed laughter. "Don't I look it hysterical?" she exclaimed. "How awkward for you if I should fall on the floor and kick and scream!"

'That rings a death-knell, said Paul 'I have no hope of consent in such a case. 'I can't tell, she answered simply, 'but there is no other way. 'And yet you love me, Madge? said Paul. She made no answer, and he drew nearer to her, and put an arm about her shoulder. 'You love me, little Madge? he urged her. She gave a sigh of acquiescence, a half-breathed 'Yes.