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But in a moment, half-angrily, "And what is it that I'd be crying for at all?" she said. "Isn't my dear Miss Isabel safer with the Almighty than ever she was with me? Isn't she gone to the blessed saints in Paradise? And would I have her back? No, no! I'm not that selfish, Miss Dinah. I'm an old woman moreover, and be the same token me own time can't be so far off now."

She had the physical sensation of her heart leaving its place and lodging in her throat. Her stranger was standing in the hall; he was looking at Aunt Rose, and she knew now what expression he was wearing in the wood; he was looking at her half-angrily and as though he were suffering from hunger.

And he could work stolen horses off onto yuh and yuh wouldn't give a damn, 'cause Jessie wears a number two shoe " "You must have done some rimrock riding after her yourself!" jeered Rowdy. "And has got shiny brown eyes, just like Harry's " "They're not!" laughed Rowdy, half-angrily. "If you say that again, Pink, I'll stick your head in a snow-bank. Her eyes are all right.

As Amy spoke, half-confusedly, half-angrily, Casimer went down upon his knees, with folded hands and penitent face, exclaiming, in good English, "Be merciful to me a sinner. I was tempted, and I could not resist." "Get up this instant, and stop laughing. Say your lesson, for this will be your last," was the stern reply, though Amy's face dimpled all over with suppressed merriment.

She laughed half-angrily, half-amused. "I once had one who remained away eight days it was about the first of the month. I was terrified about my rent I had to go to the police." "Where was he then? Where was he then?" Käte's voice quivered. The woman laughed. "Well, then he turned up again." She saw the mother's terror, and her good-nature gained the victory over her malice.

I don't know that he can do that any more successfully than he has done already though," he added. Will was irritated that Hawley should take the matter in such a light way and said half-angrily, "Do you suppose he'll be hauled up before the faculty?" "Not unless they hear of it," laughed Hawley, "and I don't believe they will." "Tell us about the game," interrupted Foster.

Some of that meat we had has upset me." I looked at him, and certainly he seemed very ill, as I hurriedly began to dress. "Oh dear, oh dear," he groaned, "I never felt so bad as this before." "I shan't be long," I said; "when did you begins to feel bad?" "Don't, don't ask any questions," he cried, half-angrily; "do you want to see me die?" "Poor fellow!"

Then, with a vehemence that can better be imagined than described he exclaimed, half-angrily, half-resentfully: "Then, in God's name, Beatrice, why are we here? and why should we go to the church at all?" "Were you serious about it?" she asked. "I certainly was and am, now!" "Foolish boy!" she exclaimed, laughing with nervous apprehension.

Archer turned half-angrily upon the speaker. "You never yet, Captain Bonner, have heard of Apaches attacking a garrisoned post, even though the garrison was smaller than ours, and I believe you never will. The question I have to settle is how to send warning to our two field columns." For a moment there was none to offer suggestion.

"I think he will send me back word to say absolutely nothing about the Genoa episode he may even claim that it's quite beyond his comprehension. That will give us a chance to meet more naturally, and then we can talk things over more minutely, at our leisure." Durkin wheeled on her, half-angrily. Through all their career, he had remained strangely unschooled to any such concession as this.