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Hiram was not naturally a miser; he frequently bought some little thing for Sister when he went to town a hair-ribbon, or the like, which he knew would please the girl; but for himself he was determined to be saving. At the end of his contract with Mrs. Atterson he would have two hundred dollars anyway. But that was not the end and aim of Hiram Strong's hopes.

The front side of the bed, the upper drawer in the bureau, a hair-ribbon, who should be helped first at the table, who was the best scholar, which was the more stylish color, drab or green, and whether Vermont wasn't a better State than Massachusettssuch matters might very appropriately be the subjects of the dissensions of young ladies in pinafores and pantalettes.

She owned a little soft, white silk frock, which still looked festive and partyfied, in spite of frequent washings and not too careful ironings. Her pretty dark hair Esther tied with her own best rose-pink hair-ribbon. "Now if I had only got a sash for you, dear, your frock would look lovely." "Never mind," said Poppy cheerfully. "I will wear my locket."

"Happy Birthday, Doll!" she said; "shall I tie your hair-ribbon?" She stepped into the new room, and while tying the big bow, looked around admiringly. "You're a lucky little kiddy to have such a lovely room. It's prettier than mine." "I know it is, Trudy," and Dolly looked regretful. "I'll change with you, if you like. I think as you're the oldest you ought to have the prettiest room."

"I don't know I shouldn't think so," answered Rosemary absently. "Sarah, Nina Edmonds wears her hair pinned up and no hair-ribbon." "Well she looks crazy anyway, so what difference does it make?" was Sarah's comment on this news. "You can't go without a hair-ribbon, Rosemary, because your hair will all be in your eyes. Hugh said Nina was trying to be grown up and I guess she is."

When Cora rolled over sleepily and blinked about the sun-flooded room, she saw Nancy tying her hair-ribbon, being otherwise completely dressed, and she whined: "Well! I sha'n't like you, Miss. I can see that, plainly. You don't know enough to lie abed and let a fellow sleep." "I am sure I did not wake you," replied Nancy, composedly. "It was the gong." "Bah!" grumbled Cora, crawling out of bed.

"Oh, what ARE you going to do, Laura?" cried Pin, in anxiety. "I'm going to have a good run," said Laura; and tightened her hair-ribbon. "Oh, but you can't run in the street! You're too big. People'll see you." "Think I care? If you'd been years only doing what you were allowed to, I guess you'd want to do something you weren't allowed to, too. Good-bye!"

"I didn't know you as an infant, but I dare say you were a very attractive one." "I think I was," said Mr. Fairfield; "at least I remember hearing my mother say so, and surely she ought to know." Just then Bumble came out on the porch with her hair-ribbon in her hand. "Please tie this for me, Patty," she said. "I cannot manage it myself, and get it on quick before Uncle Fred sees me."

Where, oh, where are my hat and my carriage now? The carriage, non est! The hat I am humbly hoping some little country girl, who has lived a life as barren as mine, will find the remains and retrieve the velvet bow for a hair-ribbon. As for the man that Leghorn hat was supposed to symbolize, he won't even look my way when I appear in my bobby little sailor.

"No," said Fanny, shaking her head coquettishly, "I'll stand while your lordship discourses." "You positively shan't!" And with these words, the young man grasped Miss Fanny's long streaming hair-ribbon, and gently drew it toward him, laughing. Fanny cried out. Ralph laughed more than ever. There was but one alternative left for the young girl.