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"Ay!" she went on, without heeding either question; "ye'll be gran' set up noo! Ye'll no be hain' 'a fine day' to fling at yer auld freen's, the puir fisher fowk, or lang! Weel! it's the w'y o' the warl! Hech, sirs!" "What on earth 's set ye aff like that Mrs Findlay?" said Malcolm. It's a heap gran'er like to be a free fisherman, wi' a boat o' yer ain, like the Partan." "Hoots!

Therefore the godhead must be summoned when prayers are offered, by means of bells and incense. When the god is not present, his idol is merely a block of wood or stone. Pu Hain, the Buddha of the Lion, is the Indian Samantabharda, one of the four great Boddhisatvas of the Tantra School. The old Buddha of the Radiance of the Light, Jan Dong Go Fu, is the Indian Dipamkara.

It said: "This game is called the 'Eight Fairies Travel across the Sea. The names are Lu Hsien, Chang Hsien, Li Hsien, Lan Hsien, Hang Hsien, Tsao Hsien and Hain Hsien. These seven were masculine fairies. Hor Hsien was the only lady fairy." This map was the map of the Chinese Empire, and the names of the different provinces were written on the drawing.

She fell, a snarling, struggling, groaning heap, to the ground, wild with pain and fright, and began the hopeless effort to draw the jaws of the trap apart with her fingers. "Ah! bon Dieu, bon Dieu! Quit a-bi-i-i-i-tin' me! Oh! Lawd 'a' mussy! Ow-ow-ow! lemme go! Dey go'n' to kyetch an' hang me! Oh! an' I hain' done nutt'n' 'gainst nobody! Ah! bon Dieu! ein pov' vié négresse! Oh! Jemimy!

The most opposite judgments have been passed upon the Bust, both as a work of art and as a copy of nature. Landor, whose experience of Italian art was considerable, recorded it as his opinion, that it was the noblest head ever sculptured; while Mr. Hain Friswell depreciated it, declaring it to be "rudely cut and heavy, without any feeling, a mere block": smooth and round like a boy's marble.

Dey's de dadblamedest creturs to 'sturb a body, en rustle roun' over 'im, en bite his feet, when he's tryin' to sleep, I ever see. No, sah, gimme g'yarter-snakes, 'f I's got to have 'm, but doan' gimme no rats; I hain' got no use f'r um, skasely." "But, Jim, you GOT to have 'em they all do. So don't make no more fuss about it. Prisoners ain't ever without rats. There ain't no instance of it.

"M'sieu, dat scare him offle. He's begin for cry like one baby. "'Save me out, he's say. 'I'll give you anything I've got. "'How much? Alphonsine she's say. "He's tink, and he's say, 'Quarter dollar. "Alphonsine an' me is laugh, laugh. "'Save me, he's cry some more. 'I hain't fit for die dis mawny. "'You hain' fit for live no mawny, Alphonsine she's say. 'One quarter dollar, eh?

I was frightfully annoyed, for we generally go to Tyrol or Styria; I said so directly, and then Franke said: Last year too, I think, you went somewhere quite close to Vienna, where was it, Hain , and then she stopped and made as if she had never heard of Hainfeld. Of course that was all put on, but she's very angry because we won't speak to her since that business about the cousin!

For a weaker aspirate, as for example in this word haín, where the h has less force, I avail myself of this lion's head or of these three lotus flowers, according to the quantity of the vowel. Besides, I have the nasal sound which does not exist in the Latin-Spanish alphabet.

If ever you see one angry old rascal! He not even stop for say: 'T'ank you for save me from be drown' dead in the culbute! He's run for his house an' he's put on dry clo'es, an' he's go up to de magistrate first ting for learn me an' Alphonsine one big lesson. "But de magistrate hain' ver' bad magistrate. He's only laugh an' he's say: