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These include a single ax, blunt at one end, sharpened at the other, and girt by a single groove. The variety of stone from which the ax was made does not occur in the immediate vicinity of the ruin. There were one or two stone hammers, grooved for hafting, like the ax. A third stone maul, being grooveless, was evidently a hand tool for breaking other stones or for grinding pigments.

Don Pablo shouted words of encouragement in a hoarse voice. Guapo seized his axe which fortunately he had finished hafting and ran towards the bridge, along the water's edge. Don Pablo followed with his pistols, which he had hastily got his hands upon. For a short moment there was silence on both sides of the river. Guapo was opposite Leon, both running.

I can fancy the Bronze Age smith showing them off with pride to his interested customers: 'These are our own patterns the newest thing out in bronze axes; observe the advantage you gain from the ribs and pellets, and the peculiar character which the octagonal socket gives to the hafting! Indeed, in this single department of bronze celts alone, Mr.

Don Pablo shouted words of encouragement in a hoarse voice. Guapo seized his axe which fortunately he had finished hafting and ran towards the bridge, along the water's edge. Don Pablo followed with his pistols, which he had hastily got his hands upon. For a short moment there was silence on both sides of the river. Guapo was opposite Leon, both running.

These stones were tied in a buckskin bag, which was attached to a stick and used as a warclub. Many of the axes were grooved for hafting; one of the specimens was doubly grooved and had two cutting edges. By far the largest number were blunt at one pole and sharpened at the opposite end.