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Yet it is well, for you and Richart are so one, I haf no doubt he spoke your wish." Here was a desperate state of things. Dolly had done her best, yet he did not, or would not, understand, and, before she could restrain them, the words slipped over her tongue, "No! Dick and I never agree." Mr.

"Yes, but it ees scarce nine o'clock," says Señor Noma. "Mrs. Steele, will you accept my escor'?" And our clever host, having won over the only possible objector, leads the way out into the dim, mysterious street. "Vill you haf zome Eendian dthings, en souvenir?" asks the Baron, offering me his arm. "Indian things!" I echoed, delighted. "I should like to see them immensely, wouldn't you, Mrs.

As he entered she turned sharply towards him. "Don't nobody keer nothin' for this yere?" she said, "ain't nobody comin' nigh? Whar's he? Don't he take no int'rus' in the pore little lonesome child? I 'spect yo'll haf to take it ye'self, Mars' De Willerby, while I goes in dar." Tom stopped short, stricken with a pang of remorse. He looked down at the small face helplessly.

Dere is danjaire for my mademoiselle. He is a bad man. He haf a plot a plan. You moos safe us. Dees Monsieur Motier is no good. You haf safe us from death; you moos safe us from dees danjaire." "How?" asked Zac, who took in at once the meaning of Margot's words, though not fully understanding them. "I will tell.

"No," replied the Pole deprecatingly, shrugging his shoulders and spreading out his hands, "I haf not seen her. If she come here, I shut the door upon her. I say, 'I vil haf no runaway wives here. My fren, before you vos marrit did not I say, a truant daughter make a truant wife. She haf left me first, now she haf left you."

I was no more bonne, monsieur; Delle Josephine was enough dat. I could make de hats and de bonnets for de ladees, so I come away out to Bonneroi, and I haf made de hats and de bonnets for the ladees of Bonneroi for twenty year." "Is it possible?" I said, much touched by the little story. "And the ladies of Bonneroi, are they hard to please?"

"Presently," he said, "it weel snow, m'sieu. Let us go and eat, then eef Chigmok has not appeared we weel go meet dat man out dere. He may haf zee news." Reluctantly Stane turned with him, and went back to the camp. He had no desire for food, but he forced himself to eat, and when the meal was finished he assisted his companion to load the sledge. Then Bènard spoke again.

I haf disgovered zomzing!” and then he stopped in some surprise. “Ello, vat make you, my vriend?” His friend, in fact, seemed to be somewhat singularly employed. Through a dense cloud of tobacco-smoke you could just pick him out of the depths of an armchair, his feet resting on the mantelpiece, while his lap and all the floor round about were covered with immense books.

But talkin' about Sonny being "raised," I told Miss Phoebe thet we'd haf to stop sayin' it about him, right or wrong, ez a person can't raise nothin' higher 'n what he is hisself, an Sonny's taller 'n either wife or me, an' he ain't but sixteen. Ef we raised 'im partly, we must 'a' sent 'im up the rest o' the way.

We moored at last within a hundred yards of our goal, and all through our dinner and far into the night we argued intermittently and fiercely with the captain about our right to load just what we pleased. "I will haf nothing to do with eet," he persisted. "I wash my hands." It seemed that night as though we argued in vain. "If it is not trade," he said, "it is prospecting and mining.