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But Scudamore set off to face his doom, with his old hat hanging on the back of his head as it generally did and his ruddy face and mild blue eyes full of humorous diffidence and perplexity. "If you please, sir, his honour the Hadmiral have sent me to fetch 'e and your things; and hoss be baiting along of the Blue Dragon."

'The side entrance and All, says the housekeeper. 'The halligator hover the mantelpiece was brought home by Hadmiral St. Michaels, when a Capting with Lord Hanson. The harms on the cheers is the harms of the Carabas family. The hall was rather comfortable.

We ain't goin' to make gal's eyes waterfalls, no we ain't " and he rumbled in an aside to Rolfe, intended for his ears only, but filling the hut with sound "Let th' purty gal come, sir. Blimee, I'll carry her meself, if she tires. It's a bloody nuisance, but 't ain't a sarcumstance to havin' a paint-an'-polish bloomin' Hadmiral along in a ship. Take her, says I, an' Gawd bless her."

"I am sorry to say that I forgot all about it, or, at least, I thought that he would. How long before we ought to start?" "My name is Gregory, sir Coachman Gregory accustomed always to a pair, but doesn't mind a single hoss, to oblige the Hadmiral, once in a way.

"That's fer Mr. Rolfe to say. I only knows as I'd tackle th' Great High Hadmiral o' H Beg pardon, lady, but you knows what I means, I 'spect I'd tackle him if 'twas to get Cap'n Barry offen a lee shore." The girl relapsed into thoughtful silence, and the party plunged into a belt of jungle so thick that single file was forced upon them.

She found in the old sea dog a ready companion, and he rattled along in his whimsical, uncouth language, spinning endless yarns of a "Hadmiral as prayed to a paint pot" and "cleaned his bloomin' teeth wi' holystone," until the girl unconsciously resumed her brisk, tireless step and found herself laughing merrily in spite of her disease of mind.

"'E reminds me o' Hadmiral Sir Percy 'Opkinton, so 'e do. P'raps 'e's a pore relation." "Yus," agreed Seaman Smith. "A crost between our beloved 'Oppy an' ole Bill Jones 'ere. Bill was reported to 'ave 'ad a twin brother but it was allus serposed Bill ate 'im when 'e wasn' lookin'."

"That's 'is gyme, Red do for all of us and 'ave the gold all to 'imself and no sailormen what know what 'e's been up to out 'ere coming around to tap on 'is window of a night when 'e's asleep and ask for the price of a drink, or 'e'll have the police down on 'im and tell Scotland Yard' e's the Devil's Hadmiral.

"Hadmiral, as you call him, would have nothing to do with it" Dolly was always free-spoken with the servants, which made her very popular with some of them "he has heavier duty than he can discharge. But two hours and a half is hopeless; we must even go as we are." Coachman Gregory smiled in his sleeve.

"Well, miss, there be a steepish bit of road, and a many ockard cornders; I should say 'a might do it in two hours and a half, with a fresh pair of nags put in while you ladies be a-cleaning of yourselves, miss. Leastways, if Hadmiral not object."