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"He who instructs the ignorant is like a living man amongst the dead." "If a day passes without my having learnt something which brings me nearer to God, let not the dawn of that day be blessed." Verses from the Hadith.

It was carefully divested of all marks of origin and labelled hadith, so that henceforth it was regarded as emanations from the wisdom of the Arabian Prophet, for which his followers owed no thanks to foreigners. At the outset the collection of divine sayings, the Qoran, was the only guide, the only source of decisive decrees, the only touchstone of what was true or false, allowed or forbidden.

To seek knowledge is to perform an act of adoration towards God; to instruct is to do an act of charity." "Knowledge is the life of Islam, the column of faith." Verses from the Hadith. The lesson of the morning is now finished and we are able, without disturbing anybody, to visit the mosque.

Verse from the Hadith or Words of the Prophet. In a narrow street, hidden in the midst of the most ancient Arab quarters of Cairo, in the very heat of a close labyrinth mysteriously shady, an exquisite doorway opens into a wide space bathed in sunshine; a doorway formed of two elaborate arches, and surmounted by a high frontal on which intertwined arabesques form wonderful rosework, and holy writings are enscrolled with the most ingenious complications.

No one has blamed M. Sprenger for having, in writing the life of Mahomet, made much of the hadith or oral traditions concerning the prophet, and for often having attributed to his hero words which are only known through this source. Yet the traditions respecting Mahomet are not superior in historical value to the discourses and narratives which compose the Gospels.

"Science is one religion; prayer is another. Study is better than worship. Go; seek knowledge everywhere, if needs be, even into China." Verses from the Hadith. Amongst us Europeans it is commonly accepted as a proven fact that Islam is merely a religion of obscurantism, bringing in its train the stagnation of nations, and hampering them in that march to the unknown which we call "progress."

They grow in clusters, or scattered singly, in every variety of situation, some clinging to the steep slopes, or gnarled and twisted on the bare hilltops, others sheltered in the recesses of the dell. There are also cedar-groves at B'sherrah; at El Hadith; near Duma, five hours south-west of El Hadith; in one of the glens north of Deir-el-Kamar, at Etnub, and probably in other places.

And since then successive sovereigns of Egypt have vied with one another in perfecting and enlarging it, adding new halls, new galleries, new minarets, till they have made of El-Azhar almost a town within a town. "He who seeks instruction is more loved of God than he who fights in a holy war." A verse from the Hadith. Eleven o'clock on a day of burning sunshine and dazzling light.