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'To-morrow the Virgen de la Mar returns to Habana, and with her go the English girl and your humble servant. "'The Governor, I cried, 'will not permit it! "'Will he not? Ask him, said Melinza, 'ask his Excellency the Governor of San Augustin! Then he laughed at me Dios! he laughed at me!" She bit her red lip at the remembrance, and clenched her white hands.

The Cuban Government was thus able to use all its forces in putting down the outbreak, which it succeeded in doing in a period of six weeks. The presence of two American warships in the harbor of Habana during the most critical period of this disturbance contributed in great measure to allay the fears of the inhabitants, including a large foreign colony.

In July, 1515, the city of San Cristobal de la Habana was planted, deriving its name from the great Discoverer, but this name was transferred in 1519 to the present capital, and the original town was called Batabano. In 1518 the capital was fixed at Baracoa, which had by this time become a city of considerable importance, and the diocese of the colony.

These are examples of a large list of items. When we turn from our domestic affairs to our foreign relations, we likewise perceive peace and progress. The Sixth International Conference of American States was held at Habana last winter. It contributed to a better understanding and cooperation among the nations'. Eleven important conventions were signed and 71 resolutions passed.

"Yes; but what should I do if she took it into her head to compose some new stanzas for me?" "You would answer through the same pen, for you can dispose of me night and day, and rely upon the utmost secrecy." "I beg of you to accept this small present; it is some negrillo snuff from Habana, which Cardinal Acquaviva has given me."

"Nop." "A El Dorado." "Guess again." "A what, then?" "It's a Habana Queen. Habana because it reminds me of Hanna." "Aw you!" At this crowning puerility Mr. Kaminer paused suddenly, as if he had detected in his laughter a bray. "Is Habana in the war, Lew?" "Darned if I know exactly." "Ain't this war just terrible, Lew?" "Don't let it worry you, girl.

"I wish she was here to give us a lesson." "She is, but will not dance to-night." "Here!" cried Sylvia, stopping abruptly. "Why not? Elyott is mad for her, and gave me no peace till I brought her. She is behind that wall of men; shall I make a passage for you? She will be glad to talk with you of Adam, and I to show you the handsomest woman in Habana."

In the east, where the Insurrectos were practically supreme, there was food of a sort, but beyond the Jucaro-Moron trocha the old one of Campos's building the country was sick. Immediately west of it, in that district which the Cubans called Las Villas, the land lay dying, while the entire provinces of Matanzas, Habana, and Pinar del Rio were practically dead.

Yes, Matanzas was pacified. Weyler's boast was true. Nowhere in the entire province was a field in cultivation; nowhere, outside the garrisoned towns, was a house left standing. Nor was the city of Matanzas the only concentration camp; there were others dotted through Santa Clara, Habana, and Pinar del Rio. In them half a million people cried for food.

He gave the place the name of San Cristobal de la Habana, in memory of the illustrious navigator and discoverer. Habana, or Havana, is a term of aboriginal origin. It proved to be an uncomfortable place of residence, and in 1519 the people moved across the island to the Puerto de Carenas, taking with them the name given to the earlier settlement, and substituting it for the name given by Ocampo.