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"H-h-how dje work it?" he asked in a die-away voice. "By a forced sale of water rights to the North Pinto Gold Mining Company, dissolved, in which Mr. Roderick Hoff was vice-president and silent partner," replied Average Jones with an amiable smile, as he opened the door significantly. "Want a job, Average?"

Please give us the hour for assembling, and you can depend on our being on deck," Wallace remarked. "Two o'clock ought to answer. That will give us plenty of time to try out a lot of stunts I shall arrange for." "Where shall we meet?" asked Jud Elderkin. "H-h-how about our b-b-barn, fellows?" queried Bluff, grinning.

Now, then, up on my back." "H-h-how am I going to sit?" "On my back. Quite so now, your arms around my neck your legs behind my wings, please there we are. Ready?" "No," said David faintly. "Splendid! The proof is to be demonstrated, the to be brief, we are off!" The great wings were outstretched. David gulped, clutched the Phoenix's neck tightly, and shut his eyes.

"L-l-lucky for us they d-d-don't know h-h-how," said Toby, vigorously. "It seems that when you get to talking about any one they're almost sure to appear," Max told them; "and look who's coming out on the bridge now." "Why, it's Shack Beggs, sure it is!" declared Steve. "Wonder what's he's up to?" muttered Bandy-legs. "We'd all better keep our peepers on that feller if he comes around.

He could easily understand how "Just" Smith's eyes must have almost started from their sockets when discovering the dreadful position of the pair below; and especially after he had recognized Claude Jardine, the last fellow in the wide world whom he would have expected to see in such a fix. "H-h-how in the wide world did you get down there, Hugh?" gasped the boy who leaned over the brink.

"I have got him," and shortly afterwards reappeared paddling a boat in which was the bewildered Gerald, who was helped onto the landing by the colonel and the others. "H-h-how did you g-get into the boat, Gerald?" asked Pepper when Gerald had somewhat recovered from the effects of his experience. "Did you think it was a good time to take a row?" "It looks that way," replied Gerald.

"'O-o-our' eggs!" repeated Monty, scornfully, to hide his own chagrin. "H-h-how long since th-th-they were 'ours'?" "Oh, dear! Do come down and wash, and let's quit quarrelling. Seems as if we never could agree about things, yet we must.

"H-h-how much d-d-did you g-g-get for it?" asked Toby. "Well," Jim went on to say, "it wasn't a Number One, but they allowed I ought to get eight-fifty for it; which check was enclosed in the letter I'll show you some day. I keep it to prove the truth of my story." "A bully good day's work, eh?" remarked Steve. "Best that ever came my way," admitted the other.

I was told we might get a few of the shellfish up along the Big Sunflower, but none in the water of the other creek," replied the one addressed. "H-h-how do they account f-for that?" asked Toby, always eager to learn.

He could easily understand how "Just" Smith's eyes must have almost started from their sockets when discovering the dreadful position of the pair below; and especially after he recognized Claude Jardin the last fellow in the wide world whom he would have expected to see in such a fix. "H-h-how in the wide world did you get down there, Hugh?" gasped the boy who leaned over the brink.