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We were ordered to put the crew in irons, and they, too, seemed utterly dumbfounded; and one poor fellow said to me, 'Must I lose all my clothes? I answered, 'Yes, but advised him to put on all he could, and if he had any money to slip it in his boot. 'Money! I h'aint seen a dollar for three years; but I'm obliged to ye all the same."

In his face sorrowed the anxious, questing, wistful look of the St. Bernard that does not understand. "What's the matter with the boss, anyway?" asked Thorpe in a low voice of Jackson Hines, when the seven-up game was finished. "H'aint ye heard?" inquired the old man in surprise. "Why, no. What?" "Busted," said the old man sententiously. "How? What do you mean?" "What I say. He's busted.

A good woman in Arkansas said I talked 'mighty crabbed like. But a man who travelled in the next seat to me, across Southern Illinois, after talking with me for a long time, said, 'Wal, now, you dew talk purty tol'eble square for an Englishwoman. You h'aint said 'Hingland' nor 'Hameriky' onst since you sot there as I knows on!" Mrs.

With a memory-reviving shake of his head that ended in a convinced nod, his answer was, "quite a-whit." And that is the nearest I ever came to accuracy. But seeing his reply did not contain the information wanted he looked at me thoughtfully and said: "Hit's jes' like 'Old Crow! Every morning for eighty-two years I ha' looked up at the rocks o' that mountain 'en they h'aint changed a-bit."

Dar ain't nuffin 'bout chillun Mornin h'aint heerd. Leeve dis yere chile to Mornin." "She ain't going to be left to anyone," said Tom, cheerfully, "not to the best woman in Hamlin County. We've got to make up to her for two or three things, and we're going to do it."

"What is the amount of the mortgage, Uncle?" "Tut, tut," he grunted, with a show of impatience, "you can't understand; girls aint expected to know about business; they h'aint any heads for it. You'd better just shut up the place and come over to my house till you can look around you a bit."

On cloudy days especially he had often made it a point to walk up there and breathe in the spirit of sunshine that he found in the green grass of the old hunting scenes and in the scarlet coats of the hearty-cheeked men riding to hounds upon their lean horses. "Come on," he called enthusiastically to Bobby. "We 've just begun." "Gee!" gasped Bobby. "H'aint you spent it all?

"They kinder set one anuther off," it was frequently remarked, "her a-bein' so little and him so big, an' both of 'em stickin' to each other so clost. Lordy! 'tain't no use a-tryin' to part 'em. Sheby, she ain't a-goin' nowhar 'thout Tom, an' Tom, he h'aint a-goin' nowhars 'thout Sheby!"