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See, with attention all the shops, drolls, tumblers, rope-dancers, and 'hoc genus omne': but inform yourself more particularly of the several parts of trade there. Adieu. LONDON, March 25, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: I am in great joy at the written and the verbal accounts which I have received lately of you. The former, from Mr. Harte; the latter, from Mr.

Now, let us apply this to Home's séances, and to spiritistic séances in general. During the course of my twenty years' constant investigation, I have had many score séances with various mediums slate-writing mediums, materializing mediums, physical mediums, clairvoyant mediums, et hoc genus omne.

Porta Carero in illorum ad nos fauorem mittebantur, communi cum consensu erant ab ipsis approbati. Si vero quis alius iam captiuus est vel posthac futurus erit in nostra potestate, pro cuius redemptione nondum plene conuentum est et stipulatum de certo pretio persoluendo: concedimus Excellentiae vestrae, vt in hoc etiam casu vos, vestro pro arbitrio, de illis quicquid velitis, imperetis.

A circular letter to the German Princes, written probably by the Cardinal of Gurk, and dated August 31, 1503, distinctly mentioned fever as the cause of the Pope's sudden decease, ex hoc seculo horrendâ febrium incensione absorptum.

Poetae, Physici, Historici, Qui nullum fere scribendi genus Non tetigit, Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit Sive risus essent movendi, Sive lacrymae, Affectuum potens ac lenis dominator: Ingenio sublimis, vividus, versatilis, Oratione grandis, nitidus, venustus: Hoc monumento memoriam coluit Sodalium amor, Amicorum fides, Lectorum veneratio.

This boy, for whose education his parents were paying some sixty or eighty pounds per annum, was permitted to pass his time in gathering up the windfalls; in watching the hens, and bringing in their eggs when their cackling throats had announced their safe accouchement; looking after the broods of young ducks and chickens, et hoc genus omne; in short, doing the duty of what is usually termed the odd man in the farm-yard.

"Post hoc non propter hoc" is an excellent maxim, but one that never seems to enter the missionary head down here.

They do not suggest what the aurora is nor why its appearance should have this effect. It, therefore, seems to me clearly my duty to lay before you all the facts as far as they are known to me. Among these facts are the mysterious messages received by wireless at the Naval Observatory immediately preceding these events." "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc!" half sneered Von Koenitz.

This gave him one alarm that was serious. This letter of Roland, in every part of it, lets out the secret of all the parties in this Revolution. Plena rimarum est; hoc atque illac perfluit. We see that none of them condemn the occasional practice of murder, provided it is properly applied, provided it is kept within the bounds which each of those parties think proper to prescribe.

And it requires your closest observation to know what are the consequences of what for the consequent by no means follows immediately upon the antecedent and coarse observation is utterly at fault. Almost all superstitions are owing to bad observation, to the post hoc, ergo propter hoc; and bad observers are almost all superstitious.