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Think long, Dinah Shadd, for you'll niver have another tho' you pray till your knees are bleedin'. The mothers av childher shall mock you behind your back when you're wringing over the wash-tub. You shall know what ut is to help a dhrunken husband home an' see him go to the gyard-room. Will that plase you, Dinah Shadd, that won't be seen talkin' to my daughter?

I'll tell him I was engaged in financial operations connected wid a church," and he flapped his way to cantonments and the cells, singing lustily "So they sent a corp'ril's file, And they put me in the gyard-room For conduck unbecomin' of a soldier." And when he was lost in the midst of the moonlight we could hear the refrain

"He was shtandin' by th' Gyard-room gate that day-week whin th' dhraft marched out on their way tu enthrain Nobby amongst thim. 'Good-bye, Docthor! he calls out, tears in th' eyes av um, ''Tis sendhin me tu me grave y'are, God forgive yez! "'Nonsince! shouts Knockemorf. 'Say yeh prayers an' kape yeh bowils opin, me man, an' ye will take no harrm!

Think long, Dinah Shadd, for you'll niver have another tho' you pray till your knees are bleedin'. The mothers av childer shall mock you behind your back when you're wringing over the washtub. You shall know what ut is to help a dhrunken husband home an' see him go to the gyard-room. Will that plase you, Dinah Shadd, that won't be seen talkin' to my daughter?

Is ut excuses the old man wants? 'Tis not my way, but he shall have thim. I'll tell him I was engaged in financial operations connected wid a church, and he flapped his way to cantonments and the cells, singing lustily 'So they sent a corp'ril's file, And they put me in the gyard-room For conduck unbecomin' of a soldier.

Nobby 'phones up th' Gyard-room reporthin' th' Iroquois Hotel on fire, an' requestin' th' O.C. for a shquad av men tu help fight ut, an' kape th' crowd back. So down we wint, a bunch av us. It sure was a bad fire all right. No lives was lost, but th' whole shebang was burnt tu th' ground. Kapin' th' crowd back was our hardest job.

I just fancy I can hear th' ould man dishcoursin' tu Kilbride av th' merry, int'restin' ways an' habits av th' genus hobo whin he get's this report av mine. . . . Like he did wan day whin he was doin' show-man round th' cells wid a bunch av ould geezers av 'humanytaruns. I mind I was Actin' Provo' in charge av th' Gyard-room at th1 toime."