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The chair came swinging easily, swiftly, along the gradations of the rise, the guy-rope holding it well from the chances of contact with the jagged projections of the face of the cliff, and the first shout of triumph rang sonorously from the summit.

Each time the balloon darted up again with so much force that sixty-four men thirty-two at each guy-rope were dragged to some distance. Had the guys been made fast to grapnels, as had been suggested to me, they must infallibly have given way." Notwithstanding this rough treatment, the aerial warrior managed, during a lull in the wind, to count the number of the enemy's guns.

But I had hardly uttered the words when, with a sudden cunning twist, he broke my hold, and, my foot catching in a guy-rope, I tripped, and fell heavily, and ere I could rise he had made good his escape. I got to my feet, somewhat shaken by the fall, yet congratulating myself on the recovery of my purse, and, threading my way among the tents, was soon back among the crowd.

Up off the ground went the two uprights and the ridge-pole, the canvas hanging shapelessly from the ridge-pole. "Bring that wooden sledge over here, Harry," was Foreman Reade's next order. "Now, drive in this stake while I hold it. Remember to hit the stake, not my hands." The stake being soon driven into place Reade slipped the loop of a guy-rope around it, partly tightening the rope.

Perry, indicating several guy-rope stakes driven in the ground. "Whoever it was didn't leave more than a day or two ago," Hal declared. "See how the grass is tramped down around here?" "What's this?" exclaimed Bud as he ran back toward the thicket through which they had passed and picked up a pole about ten feet long and two inches thick. Mr.

As a lad in a small, Middle-Western town, I have known the rapture of holding to a balloon guy-rope at a county fair, until "the world's most famous aeronaut" shouted, "Let 'er go, boys!" and swung off into space. I kept his memory green until I had passed the first age of hero worship. I know that every youngster in a small village in central France will so keep mine.

Or should a guy-rope snap with a sound like a pistol-shot, and a great stone swung to a boom and weighing tons should begin running amuck through piles of cement, machinery, and men, and some one of the working gang, seeing the danger, should, with the quickness and sureness of a mountain-goat, spring straight for the stone, clutching the end of the guy and bounding off again, twisting the bight round some improvised snubbing-post thus checking its mad career, you would not have had to ask his name twice.

"Do you see that stake there?" indicating the visible end of a piece of wood similar to a guy-rope stake, that had been driven into the ground at a point midway between the two hostile conferees. "I see it very plainly," Mr. Baker replied. "Do you know what it means?" "I must confess my ignorance." "Well, I have a surprise for you.

"The guy-rope they had on the gangway might have held it up." Turning away, he entered the smoke-room, where he spent a while over an English newspaper that devoted some space to social functions and the doings of people of importance, noticing once or twice, with a curious smile, mention of names he knew.

The basket trembled and tipped over slightly. The guy-rope touched the tall trees on both banks. But our speed is so great that the long rope now trailing does not seem to slow down, and we pass with frightful rapidity over a large farm, from which the bewildered chickens, pigeons and ducks fly away, while the cows, cats and dogs run, terrified, toward the house.