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"Och!" exclaimed the disappointed widow Lynch, "cudn't ye sind for yer mother to come out to yez, an' the ould man in Javy too? They'd be heartily welcome, an' sure we'd find 'em some sitivation under guvermint to kape their pot bilin'." But these strong inducements failed to change the ex-queen's mind. Now, while this was going on in the cabin, a change was taking place in the sky.

"Since the time you, Queen Pauline, took up the reins of guvermint, it has bin plain to us all that you has done your best to rule in the fear o' God, in justice, truthfulness, an' lovin' kindness. "If your majesty agrees to this, we promise you loyal submission an' sarvice.

There's a gin'ral complaint heer that Mivins has bin eatin' the shuger in the pantry, an' that's wot's makin' it needfull to put us on short allowance. Davie Summers sais he seed him at it, and it's a dooty the guvermint owes to the publik to have the matter investigated. It's gin'rally expected, howsever, that the guvermint won't trubble its hed with the matter.

There's a gin'ral complaint heer that Mivins has bin eatin' the shuger in the pantry, an' that's wots makin' it needfull to put us on short allowance. Davie Summers sais he seed him at it, an' it's a dooty the guvermint owes to the publik to have the matter investigated. It's gin'rally expected, howsever, that the guvermint won't trubble its hed with the matter.