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Gutch, "and likewise for the first week of the annuity, and will call every Saturday for the same at eleven punctual, or can be posted to me on a Friday, whichever is agreeable to you gentlemen.

Lucky it was for me that I didn't go back in the same vehicle; for the driver went and intoxicated himself at the "Yellow Lion," threw out Gutch and our head clerk as he was driving them back, and actually fought Gutch afterwards and blacked his eye, because he said that Gutch's red waistcoat frightened the horse.

And when my husband died I went to Jane Baylis as housekeeper, and when she retired from that and came to live in that boarding-house where we live now, she was forced to bring me with her and to keep me. Why had she to do that, young man?" "Heaven knows!" answered Spargo. "Because I've got a hold on her, young man I've got a secret of hers," continued Mother Gutch.

Mother Gutch shook her head. "I didn't say that I know where he is, young man," she replied. "I said I knew what she did with him." "What, then?" demanded Spargo. Mother Gutch drew herself up in a vast assumption of dignity, and favoured Spargo with a look. "That's the secret, young man," she said.

Gutch, got hold of the reporter who had been present at Bow Street when Aylmore was brought up that morning. There was nothing new; the authorities had merely asked for another remand. So far as the reporter knew, Aylmore had said nothing fresh to anybody. Spargo went round to the Temple and up to Ronald Breton's chambers.

"And I will prove it!" said Mother Gutch with sudden fierceness. "Touch the bell, and let me have another glass, and then I'll tell you.

Gutch, whose pocket-flask was empty, and who began to wipe tears away, "she's treated me hard has Jane Baylis, never allowing me a little comfort such as a lady of my age should have, and when I hears the two of you a-talking this morning the other side of that privet hedge, thinks I, 'Now's the time to have my knife into you, my fine madam! And I hope I done it."

I wouldn't tell Jane Baylis my affairs my new affairs, gentlemen, thanks to you not for two annuities, paid twice a week!" "Take Mrs. Gutch downstairs, Spargo, and see her all right, and then come to my room," said the editor. "And don't you forget, Mrs. Gutch keep a quiet tongue in your head no more talk or there'll be no annuities on Saturday mornings."

"You heard all that was said," answered Spargo. "I'm waiting to hear what you have to say." But Mother Gutch was resolute in having her own way. She continued her questions: "And she told you that Maitland came and asked for the boy, and that she told him the boy was dead, didn't she?" she went on. "Well?" said Spargo despairingly. "She did. What then?"

Major Sir George Gutch was next in command, and Tom Thrupp, as kind a fellow as ever ran a Mahratta through the body, was second Major. Wellesley is a Duke and a Marshal, I but a simple Major of Irregulars. Such is fortune and war! But my feelings carry me away from my narrative, which had better proceed with more order.