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When I reached the end of my walk the cold rain was already beginning to fall, and the wind was gustily hurrying round the corners of the streets and rattling the loose tin upon the housetops. A very few minutes elapsed between my three raps with the old-fashioned brass knocker and the appearance of the neat-looking servant who opened the door.

The Monday morning on which Mary Carson was to appear "bright and early" at the dwelling of Mrs. Lowe, came round, but it was far from being a bright morning. An easterly storm had set in during the night; the rain was falling fast, and the wind driving gustily.

'We are strictly rationed, but I think the larder still holds something for a welcome guest. 'Isn't the war dreadful? said Lady Durwent gustily. 'I had something to eat at the inn, said Selwyn, 'so I hope you won't bother about me.

It was insane to sacrifice four sound men for one, badly hurt, with not many hours perhaps to suffer." A murmur from the mother announced her appreciation of the packer's argument. "It was no more than a man should do; but as to taking him at his word, why, that's another question." The colonel paused and gustily cleared his throat.

The rain fell with depressing regularity, the wind blew gustily, but the ice had been broken, an example had been set, and they all vied with each other in forgetting their troubles in laughter. "Blessed if it ain't Saturday night!" said one. It was impossible to say offhand what day it was, but after a slight argument they arrived at the astounding discovery that it was indeed Saturday.

Here the afternoon wind sprang up, shooting gustily through a gap between the Springs and Hopyard and ruffling the lake out of its noonday siesta. Ripples, chop, and a growing swell followed each other with that marvellous rapidity common to large bodies of fresh water. It broke the monotony of steady cleaving through dead calm.

There, framed in the doorway, stood a noble buck, its great antlers proclaiming it a king of its kind. For a moment the two gazed at each other; then the Hermit held out his hand. At the movement the deer backed away, blowing out his breath gustily. The Hermit laid a lump of sugar upon the doorsill and stepped back.

An' I tell ye, this 'un's a fine lady, even if a bit frolicsome. So git to your 'osses, Ben an' sharp's the word." The man Ben sniffed and, muttering evilly, slouched away, leaving his fellow to sigh gustily and stare up at the moon; a square-shouldered, bullet-headed man who, leering up at Diana's chaste loveliness, began to scrape and pick at his teeth with a thumb nail.

At this very moment, alas, a northeast wind blew gustily through the open windows of the hall, shaking the tapestries from the walls, and carrying away the last of Malvolia's sentence. The angry fairy turned herself into a great black raven and flew, cawing hoarsely, over the heads of the banqueters and out of the window with the wind.

"I do fear thou'rt be-devilled and moon-struck, master!" "Why so?" "Betimes thou dost smile upon the moon for no reason; scowl upon the earth for no reason; work with thy lips yet speak no word, and therewith do bite thy fingers-ends, clench thy fists and all for no reason. Moreover, thou'rt quick and slow in thy gait, sighing gustily off and on so it is I do sweat for thee." "And wherefore?"