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It takes two seconds, say, for the shell to travel to the range of the plane. The gunner must wait for its burst before he can spot his shot. Ninety miles an hour is a mile and a half a minute. Divide that by thirty and you have about a hundred yards which the plane has travelled from the time the shell left the gun-muzzle till it burst.

Racey, transferring the gun-muzzle to the small of McFluke's back, stooped swiftly, drew out McFluke's knife and tossed it through a window. "You won't be needing that again," said Racey Dawson. "Help yoreself, Kansas." Which the deputy promptly proceeded to do by snapping a pair of handcuffs round the thick McFluke wrists. "Whatell you trying to do?" bawled McFluke in a rage.

He was a man flayed past all endurance, flayed by a love that fed on the revelation of a mystery in her being superbly in control. The riot of all the colors of the sky spoke from his eyes as he sprang to his feet. He became as intense as in the supreme moment in the arroyo; as reckless as when he walked across the store toward a gun-muzzle. Only hers were this time the set, still features.

It was Molly Dale pushing past Racey and standing with arms akimbo directly in front of his gun-muzzle. Racey let his gun and holster fall up-and-down, but he did not remove his hand from the gunbutt. "Who do you want here?" Molly inquired of Lanpher. Lanpher's rat-like features cracked into an ugly smile. "Is yore paw home?" he asked. "Father's gone to Marysville." "When'll he be back?"

Skag set his gun-muzzle against the hyena's neck he could see that much and blew it away from him. But the blood was not gushing, it was streaming. He put his arms underneath to lift him, but couldn't do it alone. There was nothing to do but go for the girl. "I'm sorry. I need your help. Dare we leave the children a minute?"

Vengeance was written on every curve and line, on each straining engine-rod, and on each polished gun-muzzle. And in front of these, a clumsy fishing-boat rose and fell on each passing wave.

"None of that now," cautioned Racey Dawson, his right hand flashing down and up, as McFluke, finding that escape was out of the question, made a desperate snatch at the knife-handle protruding from his bootleg. The saloon-keeper reacted immediately to the cold menace of the gun-muzzle pressing against the top of his spinal column. He straightened sullenly.

Every ear heard, every eye saw the sudden white mist at a gun-muzzle and followed that first shell screaming toward the little Christmas toy sitting in the sun on that distant little hill. And yet it was nothing. Another and yet another mass of shrapnel went screaming, and still there was no response, no sign. It was nothing nothing at all. Was the Spaniard asleep?

It was when leaving another battery that out of the tail of my eye I caught a lurid flash through a hedge, followed by the sharp, ear- piercing crack that comes from being in line with a gun-muzzle when a shot is fired.

A thousand men could not have taken him that way, while his powder and lead held out, for they would have been obliged to ascend one by one in slow and painful file, and he had but to shove his gun-muzzle in their faces as they appeared. The war-yelps of the Oneidas had subtly changed their timbre so that ever amid the shrill yelling I marked the guttural snarls of baffled rage.