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A smart firing of round and grape was opened upon the boats, which continued to advance upon her; but the officer commanding that gun-boat, finding that he had no support from his consort, and concluding that she had been captured, hauled his wind again, and stood out in the offing.

Well, the women of Alabama, to build a gun-boat, had raised two hundred thousand dollars, and "They will 'ave to raise mo'," twittered Madame Valcour, "if New Orleans fall'." "She will not fall," remarked Anna from the chair, and there was great applause, as great as lace mitts could make.

For this purpose he took the Rainbow, a small screw steamer of eighty-nine tons and thirty-five horse power; and the Jolly Bachelor, a Government gun-boat. The Bishop accompanied him, to see what missionary prospects there were in that distant spot, also because he was at that time anxious about Captain Brooke's health. Mr.

Through this the director hailed the other vessel, and as the air-pipe was near the stern of the crab, and therefore at a distance from the only visible portion of the turtle-back roof, his voice seemed to come out of the depths of the ocean. The surrender was accepted, and the captain of the gun-boat was ordered to stop his engines and prepare to be towed.

Miller was looking at me goo-goo-eyed, but both the officials nodded and said: "That is true." "And when we found ourselves safe out to sea, we had our dinner, our Christmas dinner in the peace we had sought. And surely these gentlemen" I bowed my best to the gun-boat captain and the magistrate "do not consider that a crime to ask to be allowed to eat our Christmas dinner in peace."

"Gaze at yonder sight, ladies and gentlemen; it will probably be the last time you will see the ancient and modern fleets of Great Britain placed in juxtaposition. All those magnificent three-deckers will be cut down into turret-ships, as the Royal Sovereign has been treated, or be broken up as useless, unable to contend with the smallest gun-boat afloat."

The first lieutenant, as the Rebiera was anchored not two cables lengths from him, replied, "that as soon as he had shifted the prisoners and secured the gun-boat, he would be very glad": so did three or four more of the officers, and then Jack begged as a favour, that his old friend, Mr Gascoigne, might be permitted to go with him now, as he had important packages to entrust to his care to England.

For Captain Trevor's beautifully swift gun-boat had three funnels amidships, and powerful engines, while the Skipper's model, though it had sails that sent it swiftly through the water when there was a breeze, had a great deal of make-believe about it, the funnels being only pieces of zinc pipe tacked to the deck, the engines, the works of an old clock that would not go, placed in a cigar-box; the boiler, which was just under the funnels, a tin canister; and the furnace a small lamp that had once belonged to a magic lanthorn, the whole having been fitted neatly into the model by Tom Jeffs, coxswain of the captain's gig, a very big ugly sailor, who took his orders seriously and worked under the Skipper's directions.

It was not long, however, before the crab had run the chase which might so readily have been fatal to it, and was so near the gun-boat that no more torpedoes could be fired at it. Of course the officers and crew of the gun-boat had watched with most anxious interest the chase of the crab.

"It's not the Danish gun-boat I'm afraid of; it's the fatherly English cruiser a-turning of us back." Darkness, however, found them unmolested. They crossed the three-mile limit at eight o'clock, and crept close in under the Danish headlands without a glimmer of light showing. "I want all hands all night," said Weeks; "and there's a couple of pounds for him as first see the bogey-man."