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Winnie grinned, and thumped himself upon the chest. "I did a little detecting on my own and I found her all right. She doesn't know yet that anyone has discovered her whereabouts and I don't mean to pass it on to the Halsteads or the governor, either. She's her own mistress now and if she wants to go away by herself, it's no one's concern but hers." "I can't imagine you in the role of a gumshoe!"

"But what about her?" says I. "Where do you come in?" "Once when I am in England," says he, "many years gone past, I know her. I learn that she is in New York. Well, I find myself in America too. I thought to see her. Why not? A glimpse, no more." "Is it the style where you come from," says I, "to gumshoe around and peek in the windows to see old friends?"

I'm sure the gumshoe when it comes to pipin' a man off so's I got his photograph in my eye. He was a little cuss an' dressed to kill, with gloves on, an' all that. He was skinny an' pale an' weak-eyed-lookin'." "That will do!" cut in Conniston, brusquely. "And now get your men going. We've got a day's work ahead of us."

In the home ranch he's more particular, and he says, "Come and git it!" when dinner's ready. But here, in our new house, our butler, William, always'd gumshoe in and say it so low you couldn't hardly hear him: "Dinner is served, Miss Wright." But, as them kids was a little late in coming, Old Man Kimberly finds time to take another nip. "Why, Wilfred!" says his wife to him, "I'm surprised!"

This seemed to be Max's voice. "There sure is," laughed Cargan. "But what do I care? I own young Drayton. I put him where he is. I ain't afraid. Let them gumshoe round as much as they want to. They can't touch me." "Maybe not," said Bland. "But Baldpate Inn ain't the grand idea it looked at first, is it?" "It's a hell of an idea," answered Cargan. "There wasn't any need of all this folderol.

"Ah!" observes Mr. Pepper. "Now for feminine tactics! That looks better." A couple of minutes more and they've concluded to adjourn to the corridor. When they're all out and I can hear 'em down at the further end, I gives him the tip. "Now's your chance!" says I. "Up one flight and you can get an express elevator. I'll show you." Mr. Pepper don't like the idea, though, of doin' the gumshoe sneak.

He took me right under the biggest King Somebody's Yew and while I was spannin' it with my handkerchief, he says, "Look heah!" just as if it was a rabbit and down comes a bi-plane into the theatre with no more noise than the dead. My Rush Silencer is the only one on the market that allows that sort of gumshoe work.... What? A bi-plane with two men in it.

Why didn't he go around to the office of Ford, Wetherbee & Co. and beat up his nasty little ex-partner? Why didn't he meet Kendrick's gumshoe activities with equal stealth? It should have been possible to snare Kendrick if one had the guts.

"And who's this gumshoe guy from the bush league tailin' us? Breeze on and wise Annie if this here business is so important." Clay told his story. "Some of Jerry's strong-arm work," she commented. "Must be. Can you help me?" Annie looked straight at him, a humorous little quirk to her mouth. "Say, what're you askin' me to do t'row down my steady?"

His criminal had thus outwitted the gumshoe fraternity. A strongly-built, groomed apache smelling of cologne and onions greeted my v-f-g with that affection which is peculiar to gendarmes. On me he stared cynically, then sneered frankly. With a little tooty shriek the funny train tottered in. My captors had taken pains to place themselves at the wrong end of the platform.