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It was no use asking him any questions he was not the man to gratify impertinent curiosity. By-and-by a rumor got about in the village Lovisa had gained her point in one particular, the Gueldmars were going away going to leave the Altenfjord!

No doubt it was she who placed fresh flowers there every day, and kept the little lamp burning before the crucifix as a sign of the faith her departed mother had professed, and which she herself followed. But who was Sigurd, and what was he to the Gueldmars? Thinking this, he replied to the dwarf's question by a counter-inquiry. "How shall I be generous, Sigurd? Tell me!

Errington muttered something not very flattering to Mr. Dyceworthy's intelligence, which escaped the hearing of his friends; then he said "Come along, all of you, down into the saloon. We want something to eat. Let the Gueldmars alone; I'm not a bit sorry I've asked them to come to-morrow. I believe you'll all like them immensely."

Dyceworthy. They had had a glorious day's sail, piloted by Valdemar Svensen, whose astonishment at seeing the Gueldmars on board the Eulalie was depicted in his face, but who prudently forebore from making any remarks thereon.

Dyceworthy, besides being a drunkard, is a most consummate liar. It so happens that the Gueldmars are the very people I have just visited, highly superior in every way to anybody we have yet met in Norway. In fact, Mr. and Miss Gueldmar will come on board to-morrow.

Sur ton chemin l'etoile qui se leve Longtemps encore eblouira les yeux!" A fortnight passed. The first excursion in the Eulalie had been followed by others of a similar kind, and Errington's acquaintance with the Gueldmars was fast ripening into a pleasant intimacy.

Ulrika glared at her vengefully, then drew herself up with an air of defiance. "I care nothing for your taunts, Lovisa Elsland!" she said. "You can do me no harm! All is over between us! I will help in no mischief against the Gueldmars. Whatever their faults, they saved my child!" "Is that so great a blessing?" asked Lovisa ironically. "It makes your threats useless," answered Ulrika.

The hideous malevolence of Lovisa Elsland's nature had shown her that there may be bad Lutherans, the invariable tenderness displayed by the Gueldmars for her unrecognized, helpless and distraught son, had proved to her that there may be good heathens. Hearing thus suddenly of the bonde's death, she was strangely affected she could almost have wept.

As soon as the Gueldmars were on board, the anchor was weighed with many a cheery and musical cry from the sailors; the wheel revolved rapidly under Valdemar Svensen's firm hand, and with a grand outward sweeping curtsy to the majestic Fjord she left behind her, the Eulalie steamed away, cutting a glittering line of white foam through the smooth water as she went, and threading her way swiftly among the clustering picturesque islands, while the inhabitants of every little farm and hamlet on the shores, stopped for a while in their occupations to stare at the superb vessel, and to dreamily envy the wealth of the English Herren who could afford to pass the summer months in such luxury and idleness.

"She meant, mon cher," said Duprez airily, "that she knew herself to be ugly and venerable, while Mademoiselle was youthful and ravishing, it is a sufficient reason to excite profanity in the mind of a lady!" "Here comes Errington!" said Macfarlane, pointing to the approaching boat that was coming swiftly back from the Gueldmars' pier. "Lorimer, are we to congratulate him?"