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Wasn't ye the same what runn'd whin we bees spaken to that nigger?" said the same guardman, taking hold of Tommy's arm, and drawing him nearer the light. "Yes, he was coming along with me, to show me" "Stop! you know you are going to lie already. Better lock 'em both up for the night, and let them be sent up in the morning," said another. "Then you won't let me speak for myself "

He sat down upon a step, and buttoning his little jacket around him, rested his head upon his knees, and while waiting for the storm to abate, fell into a deep sleep. From this situation he was suddenly aroused by a guardman, who seized him by the collar, and giving him an unmerciful twitch, brought, him headlong upon the sidewalk. "What are you at here? Ah! another miserable vagrant, I suppose.

I'm only going to the vessel, if you'll show me the way," said the little fellow imploringly. "Stop yer noise, ye lying young thief, you. Ye wouldn't be prowling about at this time o' night if ye belonged to a vessel. 'Pon me soul, I believe yer a nigger. Come to the light," said the guardman, dragging him up to a lamp near by.

Hayes must have had very ill play shown him. Upon which they agreed to go to Mr. Eaton, a Life Guardman who was also an acquaintance of Mr. Hayes's, which accordingly they did, intending him to have gone to Mrs. Hayes also, to have heard what relation she would give him concerning her husband. They went and enquired at several places for him, but he was not then to be found; upon which Mr.

He now made an effort, and had got upon his knees, when the guardman that seemed foremost in his brutality fetched him a kick with his heavy boots in the side, that again felled him to the ground with a deep groan. "Oh-tut! that will not do.