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Similar in simplicity of construction is another poem, the work of Serafino Aquilano, which deals with the corruption of the Church, and was performed at Rome during the carnival of 1490 . An advance in dramatization is made by an eclogue of Galeotto Del Carretto's, written in 1492, in honour of the newly elected Alexander VI, in that one character enters upon the scene after the other has been discoursing for some time; while another, the work of Gualtiero Sanvitale, contains three speakers, of whom one enters towards the close, and is called upon to decide between the other two.

It is recorded that, while Rubini was rehearsing the tenor part, the composer cried out in a rage: "You put no life into the music. Show some feeling. Don't you know what love is?" Then, changing his voice: "Don't you know your voice is a gold-mine that has never been explored? You are an excellent artist, but that is not enough. You must forget yourself and try to represent Gualtiero.

O Cavaliere Gualtiero, avete fatto molto in favore della Santa Sede! 'If he has, said I, 'he has done it unwittingly; I never heard before that he was a favourer of the popish delusion. 'Only in theory, said the man in black. 'Trust any of the clan Mac-Sycophant for interfering openly and boldly in favour of any cause on which the sun does not shine benignantly.

O Cavaliere Gualtiero, avete fatto molto in favore della Santa Sede!" "If he has," said I, "he has done it unwittingly; I never heard before that he was a favourer of the popish delusion." "Only in theory," said the man in black. "Trust any of the clan MacSycophant for interfering openly and boldly in favour of any cause on which the sun does not shine benignantly.

O Cavaliere Gualtiero, avete fatto molto in favore della Santa Sede!’ ‘If he has,’ said I, ‘he has done it unwittingly; I never heard before that he was a favourer of the popish delusion.’ ‘Only in theory,’ said the man in black. ‘Trust any of the clan Mac-Sycophant for interfering openly and boldly in favour of any cause on which the sun does not shine benignantly.

Then changing his tone: "Don't you know your voice is a goldmine that has not been fully explored? You are an excellent artist, but that is not sufficient. You must forget yourself and represent Gualtiero. Let's try again." The tenor, stung by the admonition, then gave the part magnificently.