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I like men who can keep their heads up who, once having them above the water, will never allow them to sink. Some men in every age do win distinction and wealth and high place. These are not grovellers. If I were you I would be one of them." "You would not become a clergyman?" "Certainly not; no more than I would be a shoemaker." "Miss Waddington!" "Well; and what of Miss Waddington?

Now, the only reserve-force adherent to station aristocracy resides in the manager's power to "sack." The squatter of half-a-century ago dominated his immigrant servants by moral force no difficult matter, with a 'gentleman' on one side and a squad of hereditary grovellers on the other. He dominated his convict servants by physical force an equally easy task.

Too indiscreetly he had hoisted his standard of idealism, and by stubborn resistance of insuperable forces he had merely brought forward the least satisfactory elements of his own character. 'Hold on! cried Malkin. 'Fight the grovellers to the end! But Earwaker had begun to see himself in a light of ridicule. There was just time to save his self-respect.

You are a race of money schemers, money grovellers, lacking in high ideals and genuine spiritual life without which patriotism is an empty word. Who ever heard of an American working for his country unless he was paid for it? "Think what America did in the great war! Why was your president so wrought up in 1915 when he assailed Germany with fine phrases? Was it because we had violated Belgium? No!