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"Plus pres du feu file, ma cherie; La nuit vient de refroidir le temps" "Adrien, m'a-t-on dit, ma mere, Gemit dans des cachots flottants. On repousse la main fletrie Qu'il etend vers an pain grossier." Jeannette repeated these lines with a pathos so real that I felt a moisture rising in my eyes. 'Where did you learn that, child? I asked. 'Father Piret, madame. 'What is it? 'Je n'sais.

Only we are constantly reminded that the man had almost wholly resolved himself into the worker, and we remember a statement of Sainte-Beuve's, in one of his malignant foot-notes, to the effect that Balzac was "the grossest, greediest example of literary vanity that he had ever known" l'amour-propre littéraire le plus avide et le plus grossier que j'aie connu.

Mme. Riccoboni in 1767 wrote to Garrick of the French: 'Un mensonge grossier les révolte. Si on voulait leur persuader que les Anglais vivent de grenouilles, meurent de faim, que leurs femmes sont barbouillées, et jurent par toutes les lettres de l'alphabet, ils leveraient les épaules, et s'écriraient, quel sot ose écrire ces misères-l

Imperfection of the Record. Calcaire Silicieux. Gres de Beauchamp. Calcaire Grossier. Miliolite Limestone. Soissonnais Sands. Lower Eocene of France. Nummulitic Formations of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Eocene Strata in the United States. Gigantic Cetacean. Map of the principal Eocene areas of North-western Europe, showing: Shaded dotted: Hypogene rocks and strata older than the Devonian.

The upper or calcareous member of this group in Sicily consists in some places of a yellowish-white stone, like the Calcaire Grossier of Paris; in others, of a rock nearly as compact as marble. Its aggregate thickness amounts sometimes to 700 or 800 feet.

The calcaire siliceux and the calcaire grossier usually occupy distinct parts of the Paris basin, the one attaining its fullest development in those places where the other is of slight thickness. They are described by some writers as alternating with each other towards the centre of the basin, as at Sergy and Osny.

I overheard you, sir, talking with one of the basest of men, my good cousin, M. de Florac: but it is not of him I speak. Suppose I know the Comte de Kew to be a man, cold and insolent, ill-bred, and grossier, as the men of his nation are but one who lacks no courage one who is terrible when roused; might I have no occasion to fear, not for him, but " "But for me! Ah, Marie! Ah, madame!

A request from the lips of a king is a command; all exerted themselves therefore to keep up a gay and animated conversation, and to seem thoughtless and unoccupied. Frederick seated himself at the table, and read once more the poem of Voltaire, which was as follows: "Souvent un pen de verite Se mele au plus grossier mensonge.

Quelques petits filons ou renules de schiste pur. De la pierre calcaire d'un grain plus grossier. D'autres couches d'un grain plus fin. Couches de pierres calcaires mêlées d'une quantité suffisante de sable pour faire feu avec le briquet, sans cesser de faire effervescence avec les acides. De petits filons ou couches ondoyantes de spath.

«§ 778. Je traversai d'abord des couches des grès qui étoient la continuation de celles dont je viens de parler, § 776. Je trouvai ensuite des bancs d'une espèce de poudingue grossier, dont le fond étoit ce même grès rempli de cailloux arrondis. Quelques uns de ces bancs se sont décomposés, et les eaux out entraîné les parties de sable qui lioient les cailloux, en sorte que ceux-ci sont demeurés libres et entassés exactement comme au bord d'un lac ou d'une rivière. Il étoit si étrange de marcher